Christmas Eve, we got the gift of 8 months. Thirty three weeks down, only 6 to go (as of today)!
All is well.
My last two midwife appointments yielded good stats. I'm on track for weight and belly size and the baby's heartbeat is still strong and at the right pace. And given my still ultra-low blood pressure (98/68!), clear protein tests and absence of edema, there's no evidence of any pre-eclamptic or HELLP issues. I have had some liver pain lately, but we figure since the baby's now in kicking range of it, we can just chalk the pain up to the crowding and the fact that I've had liver issues (w/ Zoe's pregnancy) in the past.
One more week and we're clear to deliver if we have to (NOT that I want to!), and I'm feeling quite positive that we'll make it at least that far.
Other preg-symptom-wise, I'm good. Certainly changing, but good. I seem to be hitting the insomnia stage now (past few nights have been long), so I'm really pretty tired. And apparently my iron's low so that doesn't help. (Dave! more steak! creamed spinach!) Heartburn's reared its ugly head, too, but it's not bad enough to have changed my eating habits.
I'll admit that the fatigue does make me a bit more impatient at times. Zoe is such a joy and such a good baby, but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that I'm VERY ready for her nap and bedtimes lately. She is nearly two, after all ;) What's funny (?) is that she and I seem to be on parallel emotional courses: laughter is big and boisterous while tears come hard and heavy. Poor Dave...
Body-wise, I'm not huge (well, that's totally relative if you ask me!), but I'm certainly not myself. Everything feels different and I'm in constant flux between an out of body experience (like, this feels so different, it can't be my body I'm in right now!) and too much body experience (as in, there's too much body to deal with, thank you!)
Zoe's certainly noticed I'm bigger as she regularly points to my belly and says "baby in there!". She even paused to put her dolly blanket on it the other night. All together now: Awwwww.
Z: "here, let me help you with that"