Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fagible ohrnamints

This year, it was nice to truly engage Zoe in decorating the tree. She did a great job of arranging all of her own ornaments - without rearranging the rest of them!

This one has my name on it!

Scoping out the best branch

Admiring her work

And no tree would be complete without Christmas seal! Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without him! ;)

Oscar biding his time before the attack on poor, hapless seal...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Meeting Bea/ Christmas tree day/ catching up

Yes. I'm waaaay behind. But the last few weeks offered up a few goodies, so updating I shall go.

About six weeks ago, Zoe's friend, Lucy, became a big sis, too. So we recently had a short and sweet visit with the Waddell family of four. It was great to meet little Beatrix (aka, little Lucy) and to catch up with Gordon and Danika.


story time

After departing the Waddell's we headed over to the lot to get our Xmas tree. This time, Zoe knew just what to do.

On the hunt

Maggie's part of the action

No! No pix of baby Bea or the tree! Gah.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Coffield Family Thanks-mas 2009

Most every year, right after Thanksgiving, Dave's extended family gathers together at the Grandparents' 'farm' for an all-weekend nod to the holidays. This year, Grandma Lani and Rob joined us from Colorado making the gathering a bit more complete.

Some shots of the good times:

Girl cousins

Catching up with Grandpa

Yay Maggie! (first claps!)

M and Grandma Lani

M getting in on the good stuff

and some good times with dad

Zoe and the big kids

Kiddo unwrapping frenzy

Cousins Garrett, Mia and Meghan

Auntie Tammy getting her snuggles on

Z and Grandma Lani

Maggie with mom and Uncle Brian

It was a great visit with everyone! Love and thanks to all!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pilgrim's landing on Plymouth Rock??

Zoe's reenactment of the historical event at Nana & Pepere's house on T-day ;)

Thanks, Nana and Pepere, for the great feast for just us 4.75!

Monday, December 7, 2009

up and at 'em. under 'em, too.

Maggie's mastering the art of the pull-up. I'm guessing one day I'll turn around and find her standing and waving at me!

In the meantime, I'm turning around to find her wedged in under couches and tables ;):


Saturday, December 5, 2009

St. Sidell visit, part 2

After a few days of hanging with just Nana and Pepere down in Buckley, the St. Sidell gang came northward to spend some time at the St. Alonzo house.

Much of the typical fun ensued: Eating, playing, more eating, story time and adorable pj-ed-ness.


big kids feeding so the bigger kids can feed later, in peace

Bam-bam ;)

A friendly game of Scrabble (Nana starting 'em young)

so much changed since only a year ago

Hugging cousins/smitten

Amy, kids

Erin & M

Not pictured here:

* Pepere
* Uncle Chris
* Uncle Greg
* the jaunt to the Everett Children's museum
* the excellent take-out from Chiang's*
* the clan freezing our tootsies off trying to get a good photo in at breezy Richmond Beach
* Dave's yummy Hungarian Gulash
* the cousin slumber party

I promise I'll get time...