After a few days of hanging with just Nana and Pepere down in Buckley, the St. Sidell gang came northward to spend some time at the St. Alonzo house.
Much of the typical fun ensued: Eating, playing, more eating, story time and adorable pj-ed-ness.
big kids feeding so the bigger kids can feed later, in peace
Bam-bam ;)
A friendly game of Scrabble (Nana starting 'em young)
so much changed since only a year ago

Hugging cousins/smitten

Amy, kids
Erin & M
Not pictured here:
* Pepere
* Uncle Chris
* Uncle Greg
* the jaunt to the Everett Children's museum
* the excellent take-out from Chiang's*
* the clan freezing our tootsies off trying to get a good photo in at
breezy Richmond Beach
* Dave's yummy Hungarian Gulash
* the cousin slumber party
I promise I'll get time...