Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ripping off the band-aid

Les and I have been debating over the last month, the best way to move Zoe into her big girl bed. We moved her into her big girl room in Jan with her crib and big girl bed. She slept in the toddler bed a few times but ended up back in the crib.

We touted the exciting new big girl bed, quietly tried to just put her in it and even talked about freedom... no avail.

So, last weekend, we decided to rip off the band-aid and just remove it while she at the store with Les. We actually didn't even say anything, and neither has she. She moved into it beautifully and we are not looking back!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Growing Zoë

Well, our little girl is growing and growing up much faster than we would like. Every day she seems to develop new ideas and ways to get us to do what she wants.

Like I really put up a fight :)

Maggie 2 month update

Maggie had her 2 month doctors appointment and she passes with flying colors.

Length 24 1/4 inches (95th percentile)
Weight 11 lb 11 oz (75th percentile)

She is eating constantly and doing very well. Her docotr is impressed with her alertness and how much she interacts with everything around her.

Her are some of the latest vids and pics (sorry for the lack of posting, these guys take up a lot of time!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Got off my butt.

Ok, I know it has been a while, but I did update the webiste with Maggie pics and Zoe pics. Let me know if you have any issues.