Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life's a beach

I *love* living two miles from the beach. Can you say sea glass???

Zoe's coming to love it, too. Some recent shots of her growing appreciation for the sand and surf:

Officially wet toes!

Some on the hunt for sea glass, others, rocks

Wind it up, baby!

This one's coming home

It's all about the feet

Again, with the shoes

Up high!

Can't miss the playground...with a view

Friday, May 29, 2009

M of late

Maggie's taken her role as the baby of the family quite seriously, mastering all the skills of a 3.5 month old.

Tummy time:

Manning the Bumbo and "the office"

Sitting up, more or less

Grabbing hold (esp, my hair!)

Exercising the legs

And rocking the 'hawk'

I'll have to shoot and post some vid of her coos of late - they are simply some of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day weekend with the grandfolk

We took a trip down to Vancouver, WA, to put in some quality time with Dave's grandparents and extended family. Some especially sweet shots from the fun:

A family who puzzles together...

Maggie making her wager

Bathing beauties

Just the little toe in the pool

Sharing with Mia

Snuggles with Grandma Leona

Post-nap fog

A first for Zoe: "Can I hold Maggie?" Awwwww....

summer's child

gotta fix my shoe, aka "her mom's daughter"

Miss Maggie Jean

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Scenes from the home office

I'm back! Thanks to Dave for covering the blog while I was on leave (literally, apparently!). I'll try my best to get back into the swing of things but make no promises as far as regularity goes :)

Here are a few shots from the home office on my first Wednesday working at home with Maggie. All systems are more or less go.

Now if only we could get that bottle thing to work reliably...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Les' new toy

Les got a new camera for Mom's day and Dave got to play with it a bit. She got the Canon Rebel XS. Here are some samples.

Backyard flora

Ditching the sandals


Oh the curls.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A father's influences

You like to think that you create an impression on your kids, just maybe not in certain ways. Fashion sense and dancing maybe should be left to Les.

Zoƫ in her 'Daddy Hat'

Showing her all of my move!