Monday, August 16, 2010

Kitty beware

from the sound of the squeals, Maggie has discovered how cute and soft you are!

For Oscar, he’s actually been a *great* sport, letting her chase him and actually pet him, but he gets a little freaked out (as Sr. Wussy Pants will…) when the attention is a little too gleeful. Thus the pix are blurred, but I think you get the idea ;)

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Building blocks

Today is Maggie's official half b-day and we commemorated it with a visit @ the ped's.

Maggie HATES the Dr. and his nurses/aides and she's all about letting them know: They get the full Maggie experience whenever they dare to near her. But aside from all her hooting and howling, all's great and so far, she's shaping up to be a long, lean Maggie Jean:

Head: 48.5 cm (95%-ile)
Weight: 24# 8oz (60%-ile)
Height: 34.5" (97+%-ile, aka off the charts)



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

naked baby (post bath time)!

I’ve been meaning to get some good naked-baby-bath-time! pix of Maggie as she struts her stuff around the house, post soak, but I can’t seem to catch this girl! She did take a breather the other night to “feed” her baby and some of the shots seemed blog-worthy.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

while the wee one snoozes

the big one gets her outside on.

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But she doesn’t neglect to check on Maggie amidst all the action! ;)

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