Our third and final installment of Christmas was, well, on Christmas, at our house. With Dave off all week prior to hang with the girls (daycare was closed and he had vacation to burn before the new year), we had a great and mellow lead up to a great and mellow holiday.
Friday, on the eve, I was off, too, so we had time to squeeze in the necessary tradition of baking Christmas cookies. Zoe was all over it and well, it was all over Maggie by the time she was done
– pretty fun stuff!

Later in the day, we headed out to listen to Christmas carols (thank you Pandora via Droid!) and drive along Seattle's “Candy Cane Lane” to see the lights. Then, off to what’s shaping up to be must-do St. Alonzo family tradition: Indian food!
The girls were on to the excitement and totally game for opening their Xmas eve sneak previews:

Amazingly, we haven’t hit the age where they are too excited to sleep in anticipation of Santa's arrival, so the girls pretty well crashed. Maggie, though, true to her fashion, woke us on the early end of the morning (~7:30 which is actually LATE for her!) so we decided that sleepy Zoe needed to be woken up lest we wait the day away for her to wake her self!

And then, there wasn’t much holding back!

Later in the morning we were joined by Nana and Pepere who stayed on for Dave’s leg of lamb, some games and much merriment. It was great to spend the day in slippers and pjs and really break into the new loot!

Pepere’s girls


A wagon ride in your pjs? Must be Xmas!

Merry Christmas, Grandma Lani!