If you hadn’t heard, while the rest of the country’s been roasting in record-setting triple-digit temperatures much of the summer, Seattle has been having record-setting COLD and more rain than I care to describe. But every six days or so, we’ll get about 8 hours of summer. Just enough heat and sunshine to remind us of how it should really be (don’t get me started on global climate change…).
So, I took the rare opportunity to treat the girls to a kiddo-perennial-summer-favorite: outside popsicles. They didn’t seem to mind that they were homemade, that they were made of organic cran-raspberry juice, or that I made them sit out on the front step (my house isn’t always clean, but it’s certainly not sticky!).
Actually, I’m pretty sure they loved stripping down into their homemade tie-dye tops (what else is tie-die appropriate for if not stain-making activities?!), watching daddy do some evening yard work and slurping down those pops!