So waaaaay back in January, the day after the MLK Jr. holiday, Maggie caught a cold that kept her and I at home…to be re-joined quite quickly by Dave and Zoe who were dodging an in-coming snow storm. Snow, in Seattle, despite our being more North (Latitude: 47°36′35″N; Longitude: 122°19′59″W) than NH (Latitude: 43° 12’ 29”N; Longitude: 071°32’17”W) is quite an event. Having lived in both locations I can honestly say that Seattle’s propensity for snowing, then raising temps enough to cause a thaw just before they drop again to cause a freeze makes for prime ice conditions. Add that to our high frequency of hills and well, that’s a recipe for disaster. Or, for us, a recipe for staying home.
Back to the snow…
So, we actually got enough inches this time to warrant pulling out the snow gear (note to self: mom & dad need snow gear, too!) and hit our hill with the sled:

View from a front window – the storm begins

Testing the sled out on our hill (aka, the driveway)

Slightly skeptical, totally fever-spacy (well, wouldn’t it have been more abusive to keep her out of the fun?!)

Daddy gets a go

Still tentative

Then loving it
Oh, and there was enough (though not the good sticky-kind) for snowman-making:

Snow man
Snow cheeks