Maggie and Zoe continued with their swim lessons. Fortunately, we were able to keep our slot at the Mountlake Terrace Pool and even more fortunately than that (it’s a PITA getting IN), we kept Z & M’s lesson times at the same time! amazing and awesome that. Though, it meant having to find a spot somewhere strategically in a *very* busy swim pavilion where I could see them both at the same time. Sometimes, I think to be “that mom” and take pix.
This one’s not that interesting except that it lets me point out Maggie’s propensity towards being the only girl, quite like her mom, and standing tall with the boys

(you’ll note she’s the tallest one in this trio).
Go Mag. Show ‘em what you’re made of, girlfriend!

And here’s our other swimmer – and a rare shot of them BOTH!