Otherwise, life with the bug is good. Her disposition seems to have shifted recently - either because she's still tired from the big weekend or because she does, in fact, seem to be teething. (Her gums are actually looking a bit swollen!) So, that means our generally mellow and easy girl is a little less so and a bit more prone to impatience and crying. All in all I think we can consider ourselves lucky, but I bet Zoe would disagree right now ;) Tomorrow is her 6 month appointment and we'll be happy to report that this evening, Zoe decided to turn from her back onto her tummy. That and she actually has started hanging out on her tummy (tonight, it was on mom and dad's bed when we were having family time). I guess I want to be clear that I never thought she *couldn't* do it...just that she certainly didn't *want* to do it. Believe you me, I'm taking notes as this is likely a glimpse into our oldest child's personality. Us two youngest children are in a run for our money ;)
So here goes the tome of pregnancy emails:
Hi everyone -
We went to Fra Na (Fra-nay), my midwife, yesterday for my monthly check up. All is well. Looks like a clear screening on the nuchal translucency tests (for Downs) and my blood work (Rh factor, blood type and rubella antibodies, among others I can't recall) are all as should be. So, happily, we're in good shape.
But! she moved my due-date back to 1/20....it seems that due dates projected from earlier ultrasounds are more accurate since aside from last period and possible conception dates, they are determined by baby size. So, early ultrasounds (like the one we had when it was sesame-sized), actually show fetal development when size and growth aren't influenced as much by genetics, etc; later ultrasounds (like last week's) have more baby growth and development (which is much more subjective) at play in due-date projections. Oh well. I was enjoying having things speed up a bit, but me and my impatient self are just going to have to wait to be further along. Besides, due dates are really just windows of possibility, not hard fast deadlines. All of this is going to be a great test for my impatience. I swear, although I know it doesn't seem like it, that I'm already mellowing a bit. I have no desire to find out the sex of the baby and am actually really enjoying the pregnancy. I'm just anxious to start seeing the lump! (oh, and to feel it move and to finally meet it, but that'll have to wait ;)).
Our cystic fibrosis tests won't be back for another week or so, and we don't expect to hear anything about them until the next appt (8/10) unless something is in fact wrong. No news will be good news. In the meantime, I'm having to get creative with my eating. While my appetite is back (yay!), I just can't eat the volumes of food that I used to, in one sitting. I'm definitely grazing now, trying to snack on veggies and fruit and adding substance with yogurts and cheese (love those cheese sticks!) because I just can't eat any more peanut butter crackers (they got me through the nausea, but now I'm DONE with them). I am having fun with the ice cream cravings (seriously!) too, so all is well. Dave's been great - he actually plates my dinners for me and makes me eat my veggies first because he knows I fill up fast. He just needs to work on his portion sizes ;) I'm just not the same eater I used to be!
That's all for now.
Les and Dave
Hi everyone -
We had our last (weep!) ultrasound this morning, so I thought it might be time for another baby update.
As of this Sunday, I will be a whopping 5 months along (I know, seems like forever already, huh?). And I'm still due ~1/20/07 (although I figure 1/15/07-1/24/07 is fair game).
The ultrasound was very fun - we got to see our little one moving around quite a bit - even swallowing amniotic fluid - all normal, of course - and waving its arms. Since the baby now has bones, instead of just cartilage, we got to see lots of its skeleton (honestly that was a little creepy sometimes): lots of fingers and toes (just the right number, we think), the legs and spine were all easily identifiable. We could even see the four chambers of the heart as well as the kidneys. Take a look:
US1.jpg - this one's a great profile shot featuring, from right to left: the head/face, an arm reaching up, the belly (that belly!), a glimpse of the umbilical cord and a knee/leg
US2.jpg - another profile shot - a tiny bit more zoomed in
US3.jpg - Feet!!
US4.jpg - a really bad profile-ish shot interrupted by the baby's arm (it's in front of the face). I don't like that pic, but heck, it's another view
US3a.jpg - and this one is Dave's take on what those feet will be doing in about 10 years...although I'm not so sure ;)
The baby is now about 10 inches long and that means that the lump has finally, barely, arrived - see the attached belly shots. The baseline was taken back in February or so...
Yep, I seem to be carrying low and around, not forward and round. Whatever that means... (no, we didn't learn the sex today, though we could have).
As of last week, I've started to wear a few of the interim maternity items that I bought to stretch (literally!) my wardrobe until I'm wearing the full-fledged maternity stuff lying in wait in my closet. Long tank tops and a "belly band" (think 'tube top' for the tummy) under my regular tops help to cover my peeking tummy and unbuttoned pants. Many pants and skirts from my normal wardrobe have been retired. I'm anxious to start showing more and I know it's going to happen any day now, but now that the 3-day 60 mile breast cancer walk is over, I'm more than ready! (The walk went great, by the way - I did all the miles and finished #62 out of 2700 walkers on the last day.) I'm hoping that Dave's cooking and my cravings (mostly Italian food) help move the bump visibility along a bit more ;)
It's been great lately since I've been feeling flutters of movement for the past month or so and real kicks in the past week; Dave finally felt it move this past Sunday which means I'll now allow others to touch my belly - just ask first!
Finally, in case you haven't all heard, we've pretty well narrowed down the list of possible names:
- If it's a girl, it looks like it will be Zoë Miren. Zoë is a good friend of ours, although we wouldn't be naming the baby *for* her; Miren, as many of you know, is Maria's given name.
- If it's a boy it looks like it will be Owen or Henry as the first name with something like Jack or James as the middle. Henry is my dad's middle name and his father's first name.
That's all for now - we hope you're all doing well. One of Dave's 'Daddy Do' list items is to get our website (www.theseattlestory.com) back up and running. We got a brief video from the ultrasound today so I'm hoping to post that and the ultrasound and future belly pix there soon...stay tuned.
Also, as most of you have heard, today was Dave's last day at Greenlake Jewelry Works. He'll be starting with Head Sprout (an online reading software company based in Seattle) next Tuesday. So for now, you can reach him at his comcast.net address (copied here). Congrats, baby, on the new position and bigger paycheck!
Love, hugs and kisses to all and thanks for your interest in our growing family!
Les (and Dave)
Hi everyone -
Can you believe it's 6 months already and only 6 months all at the same time? The impatient part of me is ready to meet this baby, but the part of me that knows life will be changed forever once it’s here says that these last few months offer good transition time that we should make the most of ;)
I actually got a few "you look pregnant!" comments this week, which is good since I swear I did some serious growing over the past 7-8 days. I've got a few skirts from my normal wardrobe that I can still (barely) wear, but other than that, it's full time maternity bottoms for me (if not yoga pants a la the attached pix). *Now* does everyone believe me that I'm starting to show?!
My energy is still good and in general I still feel great, although I'd say I'm a little more wakeful at night (meaning I don't always just fall back to sleep after my 1am, 3am and 5am trips to the bathroom). And my walks have grown a bit shorter - I'm feeling gravity's pull a bit on my belly so get tired quicker. Sigh. I'm looking into some water aerobics and prenatal yoga to get me through the rest of this. This Tuesday we'll be starting our birthing classes - another fun reminder that this is, in fact, all very real.
From the other attached pix, you'll see that we've been a little busy on the nesting front (hey, I waited 6 months!!). Thanks to a couple of great friends with great hand-me-downs (ie. the crib), we're already pretty much squared away re: furniture, baby seats and strollers. And thanks to Lani for the beautiful quilt, bumper pads (and curtains that are in the making) - they really look great. The black and white changing dresser is an old family piece my great-grandfather built (for my aunt Madeleine?). It has made its way through a few nurseries in our family and along with the cabinet is something I collected and painted in a black and white furniture phase in high school. The little rocker was mine when I was little. The big rocker is my other great-grandfather's that my mom refinished to a shine (it was a dull lacquered black) and Dave did a nice job staining the new toy box to match.
It's a little bit of a mish-mash, but it’s so nice to have a touch of everyone in there with our baby.
Oh, and that’s Oscar testing out the crib with Dave’s gorilla. We’re trying to ease him into realizing that someone else will be living in that room pretty soon, but right now I swear he thinks that it’s awfully nice of us to redecorate his digs ;)
Love to everyone,
Les and Dave
Hi all -
We're in for the final stretch, almost literally! Belly and baby are stretching constantly and we've now passed the 'viability' threshold, so all is well. 'They' deem your baby viable at 26+ weeks and since I'm close to closing week 29, I'm safely over that hump. Doesn't mean I'm hoping to deliver any time too soon, but it means that if I do, the baby has a certain chance of surviving...with lots of help.
My latest belly shot is attached - no stretch marks yet (ever, let's hope), but I've definitely felt close to the limits of my body's capacity over the past few weeks. I know, I've still got some growing to do, but my poor itchy skin is liking the little respite that I seem to be getting this week. My midwife says that all is growing well and that I should enjoy the lack of girth while I can. But I will say that a more obvious 'basketball' lump would be appreciated. With the cold weather fast upon us, my sweaters and layers have made their way back into my wardrobe and I swear I just look like I've started with the holiday eating a little early this year! Oh well...:)
The baby's been thrilling me with its acrobatic skills lately, too. No painful kicks or punches to speak of, but man, I can't tell you how distracting it is to pull up to my keyboard and get a swift kick for it! It looks like I'll be reconfiguring my desk soon...
Sleeping is still going well enough for the most part, although fatigue is really settling back in. (I take naps at work now about 3 times a week!) Getting up to pee three times a night is like old hat now, but I will say that I'm more wakeful in general. Dave's been sweet though, and encouraging me to sleep in and nap when I can. In a few months, those opportunities will be rare for sure.
Lastly, I'm happy to report that while I tested high on my initial glucose screening, my Halloween trip to the vampire's lair, er, blood lab (hey, they made me fast for 8 hours, then drew blood every hour for three hours after making me chug down a bottle of glucose syrup - pretty ghoulish if you ask me!) yielded a negative result for gestational diabetes. Yay! I can still have my cake and eat it too! And, the baby should maintain a reasonable size which bodes well for my intentions of having a natural birth.
Love, hugs and kisses to all - looking forward to seeing more of many of you during the holidays. Until next month,
Les (Dave, and baby)
Hello again -
Well, I know that I'm about two weeks late with this latest update and apologize to those of you who were waiting on pins and needles. (as if!) I guess we just got busy!
You'll find the latest belly shots attached here - not our usual close-up profile shots since they were taken in haste on request for Amy one recent evening, but they should suffice. (Please ignore the black socks and goofy facial expressions.) Besides, most of you have seen the belly in person and know how I've finally started showing for real. :) (These pix were just after Thanksgiving, I think. Dave said he thought I grew on the way home from Vancouver that weekend and I think he was right!)
Oh! and did you know that Dave is expecting, too? (see the "Dave preggers 1.jpg pic) That's Oscar, our 'lump' (he can't stay away from Dave when he's on the couch with a blanket and sometimes can't stay away even when the blanket isn't there!
Anyways...pregnancy is still going well for me. I'm actually closing in on the final SIX WEEKS! Baby and I are growing each day. We're still having lots of fun movement and nothing too painful for me just yet (a rib or kidney kick here and there, but nothing too bad). And, the last time we saw our midwife, the baby was in the head-down position which is very good, however since there's still room enough to move around in there, doesn't mean a whole lot for long. But, just to encourage the nice behavior, I tell the baby just about every day how glad I am that it's being so agreeable ;) It's all I can do! Otherwise, sleep is still pretty good, aside from my being more wakeful than I'd been and getting comfortable (in any activity or position) is more of a chore but it's all more of a distraction than anything.
Dave's been busy whittling down on the "daddy do" list and I think we're both glad that we have the holidays to distract us through most of these final weeks. I'm not too stressed (really! I swear!) about any of it, but am trying to mentally prepare myself for those feelings to settle in later. If I think about any of it too much, it will get to me and it just makes more sense to roll with things (amazingly, I feel like I'm actually letting myself do that!) - It's only going to help me roll with things when the baby is actually here and running the show. Really, I think Dave and I are just in a very good place right now - enjoying the time we have left as just the two of us, but loving the anticipation of the birth of our own family and everything new to come.
So, 9 months is just around the corner (about Christmas time), but I promise to try to write and send pix again. Until then, enjoy the season, stay warm and take care.
Love, Xs and Os to everyone,
Les, Dave and baby-to-be
P.S. My last day of work should be 1/12/07 - after which time my email will be monitored by a co-worker. PLEASE SEND ALL FUTURE COMMUNICATION TO ME AT my hotmail address!!!!!
Hi all -
Yep. This is the last official 'baby update' you're likely to get from me since Xmas eve marked the beginning of my 10th and final month of pregnancy. While I will officially reach 'term' next Saturday, it really could happen any day now. Bets are already being laid, I think, that we won't have to wait until 1/20/07 to meet this little one. My mom and sister-in-law think I'll be in labor sooner than that, although I've yet to see any of the supposed 'tell-tale signs' that I'm soon to be in labor, ie, baby moving down. Of course there is that full moon on 1/13/07....so we shall see ;)
The latest pic is attached. NO, those are NOT stretch marks you see, but rather beauty sleep wrinkles from my much-needed nap this afternoon. There are no stretch marks to be found yet, so I think I'm one of the lucky few to not get them at all. Yahoo! As you can see, though, I continue to grow...grow, grow :) Comfort is still possible, but I have to work harder for it and I've gotten better at asking for help with getting up, picking up all the things I keep dropping, and carrying stuff - I figure I've only got so much longer to take advantage of the "P card" (aka the pregnancy card/excuse)! It's not first nature though, so I do think I drive Dave a
little crazy sometimes, for reasons other than the usual ;)
The holidays have been a blessing as far as distractions go, but given the
fact that I've already tossed out one suggestion from our doula to go ahead and do the baby laundry but wait for early labor to fold and put things away, I think the waiting will soon be the hardest part. (I couldn't stand it! I had to spend time with all those adorable little onesies and sleepers and socks and blankets from my shower!!)
Baby is still pretty active, (although there is far less room in my basketball tummy - it's so taught!), with its head down (good baby!) and sending kicks in the same darned spot in the upper right hand corner of my belly, a few inches south of my ribs. I swear I've got a 3 month old bruise on the inside from that little knee or foot pushing and kicking in the same old place. I've still not suffered too many rib-kicks, although I think the rib spreading has really kicked into gear since I get really tired around the top of my belly at the end of the day. Seems the belly is winning the battle of the bulge.
I'm still moving around pretty well, though not nearly how I would consider to be like me. People actually pass me on the sidewalk now, but that's ok because I've usually forgotten where I'm headed these days. I'm a bit slower at my water aerobics classes too, although the water is a god-send with the intermittent swelling I've been getting in the past few weeks. And, the grandmas in my class have gotten a lot more attentive to me as I get bigger each week so it's been fun to have the chance to talk baby without fear of boring people (sorry office mates!)
Speaking of the office, work is winding down, although I've still got a healthy list of to-dos before I'll be able to wake in the night without thinking about it. With any luck (??), I'll be able to present at the upcoming OSPI conference at the downtown convention center with my boss, one day before I call it quits (1/12). After that, I'll be at home, resting with my feet up. Or so the plan reads....
FYI - I'll be working on my call/email notification list, next. Dave will be responsible for calling immediate family members (parents and sibs), in hopes that they can start spreading the news to extended family. Amy, my sis-in-law, graciously accepted the task of sending out an email notification that will go out to friends and much of the extended family. I'll copy mom and Lani when I send that list to Amy so that you know who will be in the know when there's something to know! :) Apologies that we won't get to share the news with everyone personally, but I think they'll understand if I've got Dave on other duties when labor is in progress.
Well, this message feels more ADHD-driven than usual, but I wanted to send out at least one last message before leaving the count-down to mother nature. We are very excited to meet this little person. The mystery of their little personality (actually, I bet it's a big personality) and what they look like and what sorts of parents we'll be is nearly overwhelming, but really a joy. I have to admit, though, that I'm still in a bit of disbelief when I say to myself, "you are going to be a mom", but when I look at Dave and think "he's going to be a dad!" I feel more confident. For, as much as I know this baby will turn our world upside down, I know we'll find the up-end together.
Thanks to all of you for your love and support and well wishes - and for listening to this baby making history. We know you're rooting for us and we love you for it.
Love, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Les (Dave and baby)
P.S. Please remember to email me here, now since I'll be off my work address soon.
And, finally: 1/13/07 - from my sis-in-law, Amy Sidell:
Yesterday, Friday January 12 at 4:43pm, proud parents Leslie St. Pierre and Dave Alonzo welcomed Zoe Miren Alonzo into the world! Zoe made her debut weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz, and is said to be a beauty. Mom, Dad and Zoe are all happy and healthy and recovering after an exciting delivery. Zoe is looking forward to meeting everyone once Les and Dave have had a chance to settle into their new roles as parents!
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