On Monday morning, Zoe finished a full round of antibiotics to fight an apparent sinus infection. She actually had a few days of normalcy - no snottiness, pretty good feeding, great sleeping and a really great disposition. Wednesday, she got her flu shot with really very little fallout.
A bit of giddy exploration in the kitchen...
and in the toy box - drunk with the fun ;)
But, come Thursday morning, we went in to find Zoe had puked a bit in the nighttime...and didn't cry about it! Poor little thing! Poor gross little thing! She puked all over her little bear-blanket and sheet and pacifier. It was in her hair. We felt AWFUL that she spent the night that way. But she was absolutely forgiving. All smiles. Man.
So we brought her in to daycare - because nothing else seemed to be wrong with her - and heard from Chris, her caretaker, that a few other families had called in regarding their sick little ones. Sick with puking and diarrhea. Sigh. So, she said she'd call if anything went awry.
When we picked her up in the afternoon, she seemed her usual great but tired self. But by the time we got her home and playing before dinner, we knew she was sick again. Between the fuss and the fever, the poor kid couldn't enjoy anything. It was terrible because I was committed to going out with some girlfriends for dinner, leaving Dave to placate Zoe. It was a bit of a rough evening for them, but overnight she slept pretty well. However, she woke without her usual gusto. I honestly didn't want to leave for work, but had to. Thankfully Zoe was with Daddy today who kept a good watch on her. And her fever. When, after fitful naps and barely any eating, it spiked to 103.5 (103.8 later that night), and we decided it was time to call the doctor. Good thing because it turns out that it had nothing to do with her flu shot (which we worried about after talking the the lame@$$ nurse). It's an ear infection.
So what's amazing through all of this is that despite the bit of fuss she had on Thursday night, she has remained in a relatively great mood. Now, she only wants to sit in your lap, snuggle, nurse and snooze. All subdued and utter sweetness. The girl is usually fantastic, but she's an utter dream as a sick baby. How did we get so lucky?
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