With a bit of help from lots of family, Zoe rang in her big one on Saturday.
Nana and Pepere St. Pierre, Grandpa Gary and Kathy, Uncle Chris and Auntie Erin, Uncle Greg and cousin Keith all joined us for some nibbles, pizza and lady bug cupcakes:
Auntie Tammy and the rest of the Alonzos Four stayed home to nurse a flu bug - we missed 'em, but appreciated their keeping that gift to themselves ;)
Zoe, the ultra-sweet gal that she is, graciously took a huge nap right up to a minute before her guests all arrived. Good thing, because our girl knows how to work the party scene!
Schmoozing with Grandpa Gary
Showing Kathy the ropes
Hanging with Nana
Reveling in the glow of the paparazzi
And, she had most of her good lunch so that she could have her cake and eat it too. Yep, we gave in and gave her her first surge of sugar. She liked, didn't love it and was back to normal energy levels relatively soon, so we figure not too much damage was done It was well worth the fun.
Bring it on!
Making her wish
A bit of skepticism...
followed by an appreciation of the good stuff ;)
After a bunch of unwrapping, Zoe took the playtime by storm.
Honing carpentry skills with Dad
And, Cousin Keith's Johnny-Cash-singing-chicken-chef left a lasting impression.
A huge thanks to everyone who was able to attend and a heartfelt 'we missed you' for those who were kept away by illness or distance. All in all, Zoe had a fantastic day. She was a terrific hostess and great fun to be around. She seemed to know that it was her special day and made good of it.
Since her b-day, bug has enjoyed some fun milestones like turning the car seat around! Ok, she enjoys that, but maybe it's me who's more excited about that one. It's great to be able to look over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of her or make a funny face to make her squeal with laughter. Driving is now a bit more fun.
And today, Zoe had her one-year-old check-up. Aside from a bit of a thrush-related diaper rash (argh) and bit of tummy trouble, she's been doing and did do great. The doc confirmed that she is, in fact, tall. She's a full 30" (75%-ile) and certainly didn't get that from my side of the family! She is average in weight at just over 21 lbs (55%-ile) and big in the head (just like dad!) at 85%-ile there. And....drum roll please....we have tooth!!!! We saw some true emergence of a new tooth! (Top right lateral incisor) Yah freakin' hoo! Man! The other top three teases remain white shadows, but now that we've seen that one has broken through, hope is renewed that this bit of teething, too, shall pass.
Wow, she really got into the cake, huh? Congrats, little one!
Happy birthday Zoe! Wish Nick, Tim & I could have been there to celebrate with you. Love the curls :)
hi zoe, happy belated birthday,,you looked like you were having a great day,,,,you are still sooooo cute,,,,,auntie irene
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