The dinner time battle has taken us down. Dave and I just can't do it anymore. Can't warm up the lovingly homemade chicken, broccoli and squash puree just to see it being spit out like Play Dough through the fun factory (yes, that slow and deliberate). So, over the past week or so, at dinner time, Zoe's had little more than mashed sweet potatoes and baby yogurt and....Cheerios. Sometimes some cheese but lots of the time, no.
A few pix of the crime scene:
And, a 'food fight' in action!
So, tonight I figured we should just serve her what we're having, more or less. I keep hearing from other moms and dads who have done this but could never get my brain around it because Zoe was so specific about texture. But now that she won't even eat the textures she used to love, we've got little to lose. So, Dave browned up some ground turkey and onions, threw in some cheddar cheese, bits of tortillas, olives and tomatoes and Zoe fed herself her first tacos! A little apprehensive at first, she did eventually make a meal of it. And a mess :)
A happier crime scene:
Otherwise, life's been great. Can't complain. Except I caught a cold while in stupid Spokane for the OSPI conference last week. (I HATE Spokane. HATE HATE HATE it. Yes, my presentation went great. But I still hate Spokane.) I'm feeling much better, if not a little under water (got that foggy-eared feeling). I think Zo got it first, then least I hope it's moving in that direction and not vice versa.
Anyways, we had a good weekend. Saturday we went out for Chinese at our favorite new place (Chiang's Gourmet @ 80th & Lake City - yum!) with pals Tim, Becky and Anastasia while Zoe was at the Waddell's to hang with her pal, Lucy. Seems the girls got along pretty well, but are perhaps still a little young to actually play together. Soon though, I'm sure!
Of course this week we went into daycare to pick up Zoe from day care and found her preying on the Cheerios of a younger baby who was trapped in the exersaucer! No bullying, Zo, play fair!! ;)
Sunday Dave made two chowders in honor of the competitors in the Super Bowl: a New England (for the Pats) and a Manhattan (for the Giants). So, we had a little soiree with Jack & Anastasia and pal Paul and his daughter, Elle.
Zoe got into the football spirit (note hand resting over distended tummy ;)
And Dave worked out his baby-soothing skills with Elle:
A few more cute shots from the last week or so:
Gotta make music while you boogy!
Finally, a treat to all of you out there wondering where we've been lately: videos!
Zoe explaining to dad how the Busy Zoo (Busy Zo?) works:
And digging out the blocks mom buried in her book box:
so cute - love the movies too :)
what a fun to see Zoƫ in action!!!
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