I was in AZ the first part of this week, (Ick. Yuck. I don't get the attraction - it's all big and dry and flat and spread out and surfacy (ie, franchise-driven). I am such a northern girl!) leaving bug in her daddy's capable hands for Sunday evening through Tuesday.
Wednesday, while taking a little reading break from working from home, I learned that Zoe now understands the concept of numbers! How did she demonstrate this new understanding, you ask? Well, I pointed out a birdie on the page and she pointed at the other birdie on the page and said "Two birdies". Very cool.
Then, at dinner last night, she was pointing at our cloth napkins Grandma Lani made, saying "blue napkin"...we asked her which one was red and she obliged by pointing, then said "two napkins". So cool.
So now, whenever we're reading to her, she seems to be paying much closer attention to our counting items on the page, using her tap-tap-tapping little finger to help us make the tally.
1-2-3 has NEVER been so exciting!
Other cuteness I should mention are some of my favorities from her recent vocab bloom:
*'pa-cack' (backpack)
*ma-morrow (tomorrow) (as in "Buh-bye ______ (ie, something she's leaving behind as we leave a room)! See you ma-morrow!"
*minnow (window)
* cohn (corned beef - Daddy's treat while mom was away)
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