Given Zoe's ongoing obsession with all things 'baby', I've been SO appreciative of the fact that my sis-in-law has kept a pretty steady stream of new pix and vids on her blog, supplying us with a near-constant flow of new material.
So I'll reciprocate a little by digging deep into our family archives and present to you some old but cute vids, starting with a series we captured during the St.-Sidell visit this past September.
Nick conducting story time for Zoe and Tim, more or less
Zoe 'sharing' Nana's house with her cousins
Just Duets :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Groovin' with the Oldies ;)
Sunday, we had a belated diner breakfast in honor of Dave's birthday. Zoe loves eating out - seeing all the people and eating off big plates of food.
At Lena's she also loved grooving with her (older) old man :)
At Lena's she also loved grooving with her (older) old man :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
9 months.
We've about made it.
9 months.
Nearly full term.
I'm ready :)
I had a midwife appointment yesterday (which was exactly T-minus 3 weeks to delivery day) and all is pretty well. I've still had some liver tenderness, have been puffy/swelling since about Zoe's b-day and my blood pressure, though still in normal range, has been creeping up a little, so we're keeping a bit of a closer eye on things. Being left to tune in to 'symptoms' isn't any fun - a bit too much pressure if you ask me - so if a weekly liver panel and pee test for pre-eclampsia can help us to keep everything in check, I'm game. Unlike the tests I underwent in the early days of this pregnancy, these tests and results have been welcome aids in keeping my paranoia at bay. Still never thought I'd be this sort of pregnant woman - with a planned C and hyper-examined gestation, to-boot - but here I am. So it goes.
OK. That sounds depressing. I'm not depressed. Not nearly. I laugh hard and readily, and yes, I do cry more readily, too. But all in all I'd say I'm in good if not great spirits most of the time. I *am* tired. (Oh, did I mention that before?) So very tired. But I'm happy to report that I think I've dropped and the nesting instinct has taken full hold. Dave can confirm the nesting with the 30-some-odd loads of baby laundry we did last weekend. All the gear and onesies and teeny tiny socks and sleepers have been washed, folded and put into place. Zoe's move into her big girl bedroom made way for us to move the bump's dresser and such into her old room and put a changing table in our bathroom. I am much relieved to feel a little more prepared :)
It's also fun to report that I had a couple of practice contractions this past weekend. I was at Babies R Us, of all places. They were doozers and did make me take pause, but obviously didn't go anywhere. They occurred almost exactly when I had my practice contraction with Zoe (in the car on the way home from shopping...hmmm...I sense a theme.) Even though the plan is for a C and going into labor would throw a wrench into those works, it was exciting to feel things progressing - to get signals from my body that this pregnancy is close to completion. I've also had tons of Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past couple of months, more so in the past few weeks. Fun little reminders of what the body's preparing to do...
So, I'll also be working on pulling together the 'notifications' list this week. Immediate family members will likely get phone calls while the rest of you may have to accept another emailed announcement. (Amy, would you mind doing the honors again?) We'll gladly take visitors at the hospital, but a call ahead to say you're hoping to come would be appreciated. Otherwise, we'll catch you at our house...or out and about!!
The baby's hospital bag is packed. Mine's not. I can't yet part with any of my maternity wear while I'm still working and I'm not banking on being able to wear anything else after delivery. That, and there's still a tiny piece of me holding off from packing for the hospital because I know that it means being a few days away from Zoe/home and the start of all the transition that we're about to embark upon as a family. As excited as I am to be this close to holding (hugging, kissing, smelling, feeding!) our new little one, I'm just not ready to pack my bag. Maybe next weekend.
A final shot of the bump and some cute shots of Zoe's own preps for her role as big sis:

(*Babies* are a current obsession and hers has received *lots* of attention because of it.)
9 months.
Nearly full term.
I'm ready :)
I had a midwife appointment yesterday (which was exactly T-minus 3 weeks to delivery day) and all is pretty well. I've still had some liver tenderness, have been puffy/swelling since about Zoe's b-day and my blood pressure, though still in normal range, has been creeping up a little, so we're keeping a bit of a closer eye on things. Being left to tune in to 'symptoms' isn't any fun - a bit too much pressure if you ask me - so if a weekly liver panel and pee test for pre-eclampsia can help us to keep everything in check, I'm game. Unlike the tests I underwent in the early days of this pregnancy, these tests and results have been welcome aids in keeping my paranoia at bay. Still never thought I'd be this sort of pregnant woman - with a planned C and hyper-examined gestation, to-boot - but here I am. So it goes.
OK. That sounds depressing. I'm not depressed. Not nearly. I laugh hard and readily, and yes, I do cry more readily, too. But all in all I'd say I'm in good if not great spirits most of the time. I *am* tired. (Oh, did I mention that before?) So very tired. But I'm happy to report that I think I've dropped and the nesting instinct has taken full hold. Dave can confirm the nesting with the 30-some-odd loads of baby laundry we did last weekend. All the gear and onesies and teeny tiny socks and sleepers have been washed, folded and put into place. Zoe's move into her big girl bedroom made way for us to move the bump's dresser and such into her old room and put a changing table in our bathroom. I am much relieved to feel a little more prepared :)
It's also fun to report that I had a couple of practice contractions this past weekend. I was at Babies R Us, of all places. They were doozers and did make me take pause, but obviously didn't go anywhere. They occurred almost exactly when I had my practice contraction with Zoe (in the car on the way home from shopping...hmmm...I sense a theme.) Even though the plan is for a C and going into labor would throw a wrench into those works, it was exciting to feel things progressing - to get signals from my body that this pregnancy is close to completion. I've also had tons of Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past couple of months, more so in the past few weeks. Fun little reminders of what the body's preparing to do...
So, I'll also be working on pulling together the 'notifications' list this week. Immediate family members will likely get phone calls while the rest of you may have to accept another emailed announcement. (Amy, would you mind doing the honors again?) We'll gladly take visitors at the hospital, but a call ahead to say you're hoping to come would be appreciated. Otherwise, we'll catch you at our house...or out and about!!
The baby's hospital bag is packed. Mine's not. I can't yet part with any of my maternity wear while I'm still working and I'm not banking on being able to wear anything else after delivery. That, and there's still a tiny piece of me holding off from packing for the hospital because I know that it means being a few days away from Zoe/home and the start of all the transition that we're about to embark upon as a family. As excited as I am to be this close to holding (hugging, kissing, smelling, feeding!) our new little one, I'm just not ready to pack my bag. Maybe next weekend.
A final shot of the bump and some cute shots of Zoe's own preps for her role as big sis:
(*Babies* are a current obsession and hers has received *lots* of attention because of it.)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Jaunt to B'ham
Making use of my license to leave town before it gets revoked, Zoe and I made a guick jaunt up to Bellingham on Saturday to visit with our good friend, Linda and her 15 month old son, Max.
Dave stayed back to execute Zoe's move into her big-girl room.
Zoe was a total trooper on the hour and a half ride north, happy to hang with her books and "dancin" on the radio. And despite pea-soup-like fog on the drive up, it ended up being a beautiful day for the trip.
After a bit of playtime and a tour of their new digs, Linda and Max led Zoe and I to a yummy lunch in downtown Fairhaven. The kids had a good time chatting and working the scene (Zoe's a TOTAL flirt), letting us moms get a little (just a little) caught up.

Afterward, we had just enough time for a lovely boardwalk stroll before hitting the road again. I think Zoe lasted 5 minutes in the car before nodding off :)
Back at home, she was greeted with a lovely, light-filled big girl room, complete with toddler bed (and crib - we're not crazy shooting for two transitions in one shot!).
The move was a success - aside from a few disoriented wake-ups Sunday night, she's taken to her new digs, beautifully.
Now one can only hope she takes to her new role of 'big sister' just as nicely....heh.
Dave stayed back to execute Zoe's move into her big-girl room.
Zoe was a total trooper on the hour and a half ride north, happy to hang with her books and "dancin" on the radio. And despite pea-soup-like fog on the drive up, it ended up being a beautiful day for the trip.
After a bit of playtime and a tour of their new digs, Linda and Max led Zoe and I to a yummy lunch in downtown Fairhaven. The kids had a good time chatting and working the scene (Zoe's a TOTAL flirt), letting us moms get a little (just a little) caught up.
Afterward, we had just enough time for a lovely boardwalk stroll before hitting the road again. I think Zoe lasted 5 minutes in the car before nodding off :)
Back at home, she was greeted with a lovely, light-filled big girl room, complete with toddler bed (and crib - we're not crazy shooting for two transitions in one shot!).
The move was a success - aside from a few disoriented wake-ups Sunday night, she's taken to her new digs, beautifully.
Now one can only hope she takes to her new role of 'big sister' just as nicely....heh.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Two year old stats
Zoe had her 2 year old visit with the pediatrician yesterday and given that it's been a while since I've posted her stats, I figured I'd do an update with the latest.
She did, well, let's say well enough at her appointment. She wasn't much up for the measurements and gave a serious scream when we set her on the scale (me too, sometimes, kiddo, me too...) and she really didn't like all the poking and prodding the doctor did with his various instruments... let alone the nurse with the hypodermic needle. But, she always hit the rebound and even waved bye-bye to the doc as he exited.
All that seems about par if you ask me. Zoe's emotions have been on HIGH lately (me too, lately kiddo, me too...) and just about anything can set her off. She's still a really sweet and easy-going little girl, but she's been taking the need to express herself more, head on.
Good thing those expressions include some fun new developments. Over the past couple of months, Zoe's sentence structure has gotten much more sophisticated (2-3 word sentences are run of the mill now) and she's been collecting lots of new understandings about the world around her (Green! Go! Red! Stop!). She can pretty well count to ten on her own if she's feeling up for it (if she's not, it's "1, 2, 3, 2, 3" :)) and can chime in on bits of the alphabet song ("now I know I know my!") if she's paying attention. Note that she's not always in recital mode, but when she is, her recall and vocab are pretty impressive.
Dexterity wise, she's mostly got her new trike figured out, rolls a mean tumble, dances a darling jig and can run like the wind! Ok, she can run like her mom - slow but sure ;)
There's tons I know I'm forgetting to log here, but I think that has lots to do with the fact that she's changed SO much in the past 6-7 months. She is an entirely different baby (er, kidlet) than she was when we moved into this house...and that was just yesterday, I swear.
- Height: 35.5" (90% - right where she's been hovering for the past year or so)
- Weight: 28# 7 oz (74% -making a healthier height-weight ratio than her last weigh in which was somewhere around 40%)
- Noggin: 50.3 cm (95% - all her daddy's genetics at play, there!)
She did, well, let's say well enough at her appointment. She wasn't much up for the measurements and gave a serious scream when we set her on the scale (me too, sometimes, kiddo, me too...) and she really didn't like all the poking and prodding the doctor did with his various instruments... let alone the nurse with the hypodermic needle. But, she always hit the rebound and even waved bye-bye to the doc as he exited.
All that seems about par if you ask me. Zoe's emotions have been on HIGH lately (me too, lately kiddo, me too...) and just about anything can set her off. She's still a really sweet and easy-going little girl, but she's been taking the need to express herself more, head on.
Good thing those expressions include some fun new developments. Over the past couple of months, Zoe's sentence structure has gotten much more sophisticated (2-3 word sentences are run of the mill now) and she's been collecting lots of new understandings about the world around her (Green! Go! Red! Stop!). She can pretty well count to ten on her own if she's feeling up for it (if she's not, it's "1, 2, 3, 2, 3" :)) and can chime in on bits of the alphabet song ("now I know I know my!") if she's paying attention. Note that she's not always in recital mode, but when she is, her recall and vocab are pretty impressive.
Dexterity wise, she's mostly got her new trike figured out, rolls a mean tumble, dances a darling jig and can run like the wind! Ok, she can run like her mom - slow but sure ;)
There's tons I know I'm forgetting to log here, but I think that has lots to do with the fact that she's changed SO much in the past 6-7 months. She is an entirely different baby (er, kidlet) than she was when we moved into this house...and that was just yesterday, I swear.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Zoe's two. Completely, utterly, fantastically two.
We kicked off her third year with a small family gathering - a pizza party for some of the grandfolk to come and fawn over her. She of course had a great time.

Thanks to those of you who could come and share the day with us and a nod to those who, for distance or illness, were unable to attend. We're so happy that Zoe has loving family near and far to love her as she grows.
A few of the highlights from the day:

Birthday girl in her birthday suit
We kicked off her third year with a small family gathering - a pizza party for some of the grandfolk to come and fawn over her. She of course had a great time.
Thanks to those of you who could come and share the day with us and a nod to those who, for distance or illness, were unable to attend. We're so happy that Zoe has loving family near and far to love her as she grows.
A few of the highlights from the day:
Birthday girl in her birthday suit
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Girls doing brunch
Sunday, Dave, Zoe and I went over to have a lovely New Year's brunch at our friends Gordon, Danika and Lucy's house.
The girls, having known each other since being in utero, have slowly come to appreciate each others' company. Sunday, that appreciation truly blossomed.
Some witty banter:

Zoe: "So what you're sayin' to us is..." Lucy: "Good point. You got him there."
Helping with the clean-up:

Tent time!

(insert here: shrieks of delight and girlie giggles)
Catching some breaths:

And no brunch is complete without a tumble expo:

Lots of fun. Thanks, Waddells!
The girls, having known each other since being in utero, have slowly come to appreciate each others' company. Sunday, that appreciation truly blossomed.
Some witty banter:
Zoe: "So what you're sayin' to us is..." Lucy: "Good point. You got him there."
Helping with the clean-up:
Tent time!
(insert here: shrieks of delight and girlie giggles)
Catching some breaths:
And no brunch is complete without a tumble expo:
Lots of fun. Thanks, Waddells!
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