Monday, January 19, 2009

Jaunt to B'ham

Making use of my license to leave town before it gets revoked, Zoe and I made a guick jaunt up to Bellingham on Saturday to visit with our good friend, Linda and her 15 month old son, Max.

Dave stayed back to execute Zoe's move into her big-girl room.

Zoe was a total trooper on the hour and a half ride north, happy to hang with her books and "dancin" on the radio. And despite pea-soup-like fog on the drive up, it ended up being a beautiful day for the trip.

After a bit of playtime and a tour of their new digs, Linda and Max led Zoe and I to a yummy lunch in downtown Fairhaven. The kids had a good time chatting and working the scene (Zoe's a TOTAL flirt), letting us moms get a little (just a little) caught up.

Afterward, we had just enough time for a lovely boardwalk stroll before hitting the road again. I think Zoe lasted 5 minutes in the car before nodding off :)

Back at home, she was greeted with a lovely, light-filled big girl room, complete with toddler bed (and crib - we're not crazy shooting for two transitions in one shot!).

The move was a success - aside from a few disoriented wake-ups Sunday night, she's taken to her new digs, beautifully.

Now one can only hope she takes to her new role of 'big sister' just as nicely....heh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Zoƫ's getting to be such a big girl! Nana