Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Maggie @ 4 months

Maggie had her 4-month check-up last Friday, her official 4-month birthday. Here are the vital stats:

Height: 26" (97th %ile)
Weight: 14lbs 4 oz (70th %ile and exactly twice her birth weight)
Noggin: 42.25cm (90th %ile - daddy's genes strike again!)

Now, I promise to better resist the urge to do this as the girls get older, but for now I feel the need to point out that it looks like Maggie's going to give Zoe a run for her money height-wise: Zoe was 1 1/4" shorter than Maggie at this same check-up.

Big girl

Otherwise, they are neck and neck development-wise. Both started smiling and 'talking' and playing with toys within days of each other; Maggie's lately displayed 'strangeness' being left with less familiar faces - right on track with Zoe's schedule; and Zoe first flipped from tummy to back in the pediatrician's office while Maggie did the trick the very next day (more on that later).

I think the funnest part about having two girls will be seeing how very much alike and how very different they will be at the same time. And as I mull those points in my very fatigued brain (oy, those 4-month vaccination shots!!!), I realize that this is what they mean when they say that you really can and do love your children the same amount but in very different ways.

1 comment:

Amy said...

So cute! Can't wait to meet her :) LOVE that hair!