And, if you hadn't heard, Seattle hit record highs (103, beating the '94 record of 100) without a cloud in the sky. (Though this was nothing compared to the 107 temp the grandparents saw in Vancouver!)
Talk about perfect storms.
So, the girls and I clung to the fleeting cool of our lower-level playroom/family room, while I tried to actually report for work remotely.
I hate heat. I hate and kind of get freaked out by extreme weather (I do believe strongly in global warming and am not convinced this kind of freak weather isn't related). So I am really ready for this crap to end (they are predicting a 'break' with only high 90s tomorrow). I'm also very ready to feel better, sleep through the night (as much as Maggie will let me) and see my girls clear-eyed.
On a much lighter note, the heat and snot-induced nakedness around here served up a little opportunity for cuteness.
Enjoy, and man, stay cool.
When the temp gauge reads this... do this:
and this? ;)
Wow! Hope that you all are getting healthy and staying cool! You should head over this way to cool off and enjoy some more Seattle-like weather....
It was still 82 in the house this morning...
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