I’m quite behind on my blogging, having just posted T-day pix after a good month of silence, but I think it’s quite worthy to document some mega milestones that Maggie has reached (or in some cases, been pushed to), in recent weeks.
In the beginning of November, Maggie’s teething with her two-year-old molars hit the high-water mark. The girl was a biting fiend. In fact, her vicious, unpredictable and prolific biting assaults prompted our daycare to enact a new policy: three bites w/ wounded victims and you’re going home for the day. We got lots of warning calls but thankfully also LOTS of grace and extra chances. No one had to leave early, but we were this close too many times for my comfort!
Also in the beginning of November, I started to wean Maggie from her bed-time feedings – not really willingly, but in preps for our looming separation: I was going to Phoenix, alone, and would be away from Maggie overnight for the first time ever. It seemed only fair to Maggie (and Dave!) to make a gradual (though reluctant) shift from our happy and reliable routines since I wasn’t going to be around to share in the misery of ending our beautiful nursing. Had I the choice, I’d have weaned in a much more organic fashion, but alas, some (most?) things in parenthood you just don’t get to plan.
Right about that time, I also began painting our guest bedroom in preps for turning it into Maggie’s big-girl room. The plan was to move her in there sometime after her second b-day, in February, while at the same time moving her into her big girl bed. Little did we know that coupling painful transitions for the sake of less tumultuous times was going to be our modus operandi!…
After increasingly poor nights of sleep leading up to a beaut of 3 hours of interrupted sleep one night, we reached desperation and I reached for a fresh approach – her toddler bed! Laying there for the first time, Maggie was stunned into a short silence. (We set the bed up next to her crib and I lay down with her. She was in awe!) Ultimately, we stuck her back in her crib that night. However, the next night, with the painting complete and the toddler bed standing by at the ready, we decided to just go for it and do the big moves right then, in one fell swoop.
Oh, and it was the end of daylight savings – time to turn the clocks back – of course!
So, those of you parents out there will kind of see where I could be going with this, but I’ve got to say that we were happily shocked to see that despite a few bumps in the road (slightly rocky bed times, no significant falls from or adventures out of bed, no attacking my boobs or wailing for me in my absence, etc), we all made it through. And Maggie came out the other side with more words in her vocabulary, less biting, proud ownership of her big-girl digs and an overall happy disposition.
Color me proud.

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