Friday, September 21, 2012

New England tour: on to NH

Maine was a blast but my true roots were calling so it was back to NH we went. It was a great opportunity to convene the St.Pierre-side contingency. A BIG thanks to the Fossbenders for coming up from Massachusetts. It was so great to see the kiddos connect.
Cousin Melissa was uber-smart and cool to literally bring buckets of fun for all the kids: slinkies, chalk, pens and paper, a blow-up ball and a whole host of bats and balls. I shouldn’t have been surprised to see that Missy knows how to have fun!
Mackenzie taking the lead …and Maggie happy to take orders?!Smile
A bit of a snack before the real party begins…
IMG_0626IMG_0632IMG_0645 How low can you go?
Chit chat
Thanks too, of course, to Auntie Rita and Uncle Norm for their gracious hospitality. It was nice to take the trip mode down a notch! Especially since the very next day…

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