Cassandra’s (seen here on a play date) mom (Tamara Fernando) and I graduated from Federal Way HS together (‘94).

And Claire, seen here at the morning kindergartners’ ‘transition lunch’ (whereby they get the hang of having lunch in the cafeteria with the rest of school), and her mom and dad were in my PEPS group with Zoe.

The three of these girls make a great little troop and I’m glad they have each other as friends.

Then there’s Jake, our neighbor in the green house in the cul-de-sac across the way (the only other house we put an offer on when hunting for house #2!). Jake’s pretty much the lone boy on a street full of girls. Good thing the girls don’t mind going in cahoots with him

Maggie’s popular by her own right and never fails to impress new friends with her crazy sense of humor. (seen on a play date with Peneope)