Then, come spring, we had those new Xmas scooters to break in and the bike became ‘that thing we should do’ but didn’t. That, and I have to admit, I wasn’t overly excited about hunching over to steady Zoe’s reluctant riding.
And man, she was reluctant.
And then one day, the Waddells came over for a visit and brought their bikes for some spins in the circle. Lucy was already on her two wheels and working her way into using handbrakes. And I committed, then and there, to make riding on two wheels a daily thing for Zoe.
So, the next day, I took her out. And she got, let’s say, reluctant. So she bailed and I didn’t fight it. But I did notice that her little sister was tearing up the street on her little scoot bike, so I suggested to Dave that he take her training wheels off her two-wheeler.
And then he set her up at the top of the slope where she confidently said over her shoulder “Dad, I got this.” So he let her go. And go she did!
Seconds later – after my disbelieving hoots and hollers – Zoe suggested that if Maggie could do it, perhaps she could try again.
So she did. And she nailed it!
I don’t have pix of Maggie’s first ride because, well, I wasn’t expecting it to be a true maiden voyage, but these shots and vids were all taken within minutes of each other.


And then these, a few days later:

This did make us realize that both girls had outgrown their old bikes…they looked a little clownish on them!
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