The annual Coffield family reunion was this Sunday, so Dave, Zoe and I were busy packing up and traveling all weekend long.
The fun began on Friday when Zoe graciously took her long morning nap to allow me to get the car packed for the weekend's festivities. Then, us girls headed to UW where I met up with some old co-workers for lunch. She put on the flirt to woo the two young men, winning the one soon-to-be hitched over to the side of fatherhood. To quote: "Ok, I could manage one of those. She's cute!" We then rounded out the work-friend-themed day by stopping by my office and her Daddy's office where she again wowed the fans with sweet smiles. She certainly seems to get the whole "mom/dad's friends are my friends" idea!
After picking up daddy from work early, we hit the road to head down the long path to Vancouver, WA. Thankfully, after a half hour report on her day, she napped the last three hours of the trip, waking just before we got to Grandma and Grandpa Coffield's house. Amazingly, she was in great spirits (thrilled to be out of the car seat, I'm sure) and proceeded to wow the family with still more smiles.
Note the theme here: smiley girl. All weekend long we beamed with pride as everyone who met her were impressed with her sweet smiles. Given the alternative, we consider ourselves blessed.
Our bliss, though, took a small hiatus that evening when, after her bedtime feed, Zoe decided that she was rested enough and wanted to party. This could be due to the fact that she was sleeping in a new location (Grandma and Grandpa's trailer) and a new bed (the pack n' play), but is likely mostly due to the fact that this mom was half asleep herself when changing Zo's diaper and failed to protect the golden key to a good Zoe's night sleep (aka, her sleep sack) from the pee Zone. Sigh. After two hours or so of partying in the pack n' play, Zoe earned herself a spot between mom and dad on the cozy trailer 'master bed'.
Did you know that babies are noisy, raucous, sleepers? Did you know that putting a baby down perpendicular to her bed mates does not prevent her from grabbing dad's chin hairs and kicking mom in the face? Hmmm.... we didn't either. But now we do.
Anyway. After a 4:00am wake-up call to feed, Zoe was a sport and actually napped most of the morning, allowing me to catch up on some Zs myself. Dad, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, as he had all of 4 inches to park his rear on Grandpa's crowded boat (or rather the Grandpa-crowded boat ;)).
One cute development of the day was a new curl atop of Zo's round little head. Seems that bath time mixed with a bit of humidity brings out the Kewpee doll in our little gal.
Thankfully, although Saturday evening was still a festive time for our otherwise reliable sleeper, it was much more restful than the night before.
The reunion itself was nice. It seems that each year the crowd is filled with new and old faces and its always a great time to catch up with the cousins, aunts and uncles. Oh, and it's a great time to fill up on the fried chicken and homemade pies!
Unfortunately, I fell victim to a nasty case of something yet to be determined: either insanely overblown (literally) allergies or a bad head cold. Either way, my sore sinuses and blasting headache put an early end to our stay. Thankfully or not since it took us over four hours to get home. Zoe, love that child, slept about half the way - from Battleground to just north of Olympia. She did, though, get a bit fussy when we hit Lakewood and Tacoma. Of course, who can blame her? I certainly get cranky in Lakewood and Tacoma!
The day ended on yet another high note as Zoe, energized by the road trip and subsequent reunion with the kitties, opted to play herself down, rather than host her usual chat with her mobile buddies. Seems that you can urge only so much down-time out of a little one before they have to blow off some energy. That's fine. She pretty much slept like a champ the whole night through, so it looks like we're headed back to normalcy, soon.
Thanks to Dad, the web site's updated now! Check it out!
Thank you so much for your blogs. Even though I love my new home and Colorado, I do miss you all and this really helps. See you in April. Love Grandma Lani
les, this is the to be able to get caught up - sort of - with you, dave and your beautiful daughter. you are a great story teller, your daughter is very lucky are truly entertaining. it is funny to read your thoughts it is like going back in time to when Noah or Megan were that paint a vivid picture....thanks! karen charron
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