On Friday, Zoe closed out the week of changes and growing with lots of rolling around and play time. In other words, my usually fantastic sleeper forwent the snooze for the 'whoo hoos!'. So, after many sleep-inducing tactics on my part, we threw napping out the window and hit the road to run some errands. She was a great shopping companion, but it made for a long day. Needless to say, keeping her up until her usual bed time wasn't quite happening, so...the rest of the weekend's sleep pattern was up for grabs.
Otherwise, we had a good weekend. Saturday morning, I had a well-earned (well, I think so!) massage. Say it with me: AHHHHHHHHH. Thank goodness for people you can pay to rub your back for an hour!!! All the breastfeeding oxytocin I'm still benefiting from keeps me from getting too stiff, but man have I been tired and sore lately! Like I said to Dave - that massage felt like another! ;)
Ok, back to the reason you're here: Zoe. So after my massage, we took a short drive down the road to the beach access gate that my cousin gave us a key for. It was a lovely 1/2 mile walk through the woods out to the sound.
I showed Zoe the art of rockhounding - sharing the finer points of spotting good, clear and smooth quartz stones and sea glass. (We found a great bluish-green chunk and a tiny piece of red!!) Dave was scoping out the low-tide fishing grounds for the jaunt he planned for Sunday morning with our friend, Tim. Poor planning weather-wise, though as it was pouring all morning long. No fish were caught in the making of that outing. The amazing thing, though, was that although Zoe went down for bed late (like 10pm late), she slept until EIGHT AM!!! Too bad I woke with Dave's fishing alarm at 5:30... Oh well. Maybe one day, we'll all be back in sync.
Gratuitous cute pix:
Hanging with mom in her cute sun dress from Grandma Coffield and new 'baby legs':
Finally going down for a much-needed nap. AKA, utter sweetness.
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