Let's see, I can only really remember as far back as last Wednesday when Zoe's Uncle Greg was in town on business. We had a nice (if not prolonged due to some poor communication with a cranky waitress) dinner with 'the sibs': Auntie Erin, Uncle Chris & Uncle Greg. It was yummy though, and Zoe was loads of fun - especially towards the end of the meal when she showed off her zippy bouncy dance for the crowd. She received adoring looks from near and far. I swear that soon folks are going to ask us if Zoe can come out to hang...with or without her mom and dad in tow! Hope I don't jinx us but if nothing else, perhaps we're on our way towards producing a kid who knows how to handle the whole restaurant experience?
Along came Thursday when I left work and picked her up early from daycare so that we could head down to Pepere (Pep-ay) and Nana's house. I had a conference Friday morning to present at in Auburn and figured it'd be a great opportunity to work in a visit at their house. We took advantage of that opportunity by staying an extra day so that Dave could take a jackhammer to the concrete step on the patio. We had a great time checking out some local garage sales and consignment shops with Zoe traveling in style, riding like a big girl in Nana's umbrella stroller. I can't believe she's big enough to sustain a sitting position while moving, but she is! She seemed to enjoy it and now I'm wishing I'd thought to take a picture!!!
The visit, all in all, was a great one since Zoe slept beautifully in Nana's pack n' play and hardly gave a fuss when I was out at the conference. It seems, though, that she missed me a bit when it came time for her bottle, but not too badly, I don't think. She really is such a sport that even when she's really annoyed (for instance when you're trying to clear her nose with the aspirator), she snaps back to happy-smiley as soon as it's over. We SO have to remember to not take that for granted!
After finally locating a pair of 'baby legs' at a lovely boutique in Sumner, Zoe and I headed out for the dreaded commute Saturday afternoon. I-5 is closed down to two lanes just before downtown for the next few weeks and I was ready (well not really ready) for the worst and lots of pulling off to quell a fussy gal. Amazingly, the drive was probably the best I've ever made home from my folks in the 10+ years they've lived there. And Zoe had fun re-connecting with Whoozit and Elephant. I couldn't have asked for anything more!
Sunday was a good day for re-grouping (Dave missed his girls, I think) and getting caught up with chores and routine life. Zoe caught some great naps but come nightfall and nuh-nights, she had other plans in mind. Despite her eye-rubbing and edginess, she just wouldn't let it go and fall asleep when we put her down @ 7pm. After LOTS of pacifier chasing (rather, Dave's and my alternating turns going in to re-plug her with the pacifier, re-crank the mobile, check the diaper, etc), I finally gave in for a feed at around 9pm. Good thing because she was apparently STARVING... I guess we're in a growth spurt. Anyway, in that whole back-and-forth process, Dave found her (voluntarily??) tummy-side-down...but in her sleep sack swaddle. Yikes! So, last night was perhaps her last with a true swaddle. It seems that we've officially started the swaddle weening process by switching back to the too-small swaddle blanket that works to get her to sleep but which she inevitably worms her way out of. She slept pretty darned well last nigh, considering, so we're giving it a whirl again tonight. Wish us luck!!! One nice thing: when Dave went in to get her this morning, since she had her hand free, she was signing 'milk' and meant it!
(Oh, and in case you hadn't seen, Dave updated month 7 on the site...since Zoe's now in month #8!!)
1 comment:
Well, last night was a good sleep night as well. She seems to like the freedom of not being in a sleep sack. She is a little like Curly of the three stooges... she spins around and we never know what direction she will be in when we go to get her.
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