For instance: as recently reported, Zoe went on a boob strike. Within a matter of mere hours, she had all but bid farewell to the boob. And then, after a few days of that, almost as quickly, she went on a solids strike. One day she couldn't get enough breakfast, lunch or dinner and the next she was on a boob-a-thon and it was pursed-lips-and-head-shaking-city at the high chair. Despite earlier reports, we hadn't quite made our way out of the woods yet. Fortunately though, now, we slowly seem to be making our way out of it. Seems that by eliminating one meal from the repertoire (lunch), she come to the dinner table good and hungry. However, anything lumpy or with detectable texture other than smooth, and the lips clamp shut. Crazy? yes. But have you ever seen a baby gag out of disgust? While it's kind of funny, it's pretty frustrating when you're already an hour into dinner. So, in the end, Zoe wants her food when and how she wants it and as much of it as she can swallow (literally). Just point the way, bug, just point the way.
During this latest food strike, we've also been reminded of the importance of a good dinner before bedtime. Without it, we've been getting some pretty early wake-up calls. Ouch. Also/however, in the past couple of nights, despite a rather large dinner, she's been resisting being put down for bedtime - I mean resisting with big tears and everything....all because she's apparently still hungry and despite the red eyes, not tired enough to settle down. The other night we let her play off some energy until about 9pm! This has been quite perplexing because I've been nursing her before putting her down until she pushes off. We then read her story while she snuggles with her bear and acts very ready for bed. Apparently it's all a rouse.
Tonight though, she seems to have been well-fed enough to crash during her bedtime feeding and I haven't heard a peep from her since putting her in her crib. Yay!
On the lighter side, seemingly hand-in-hand with the new sleeping and eating patterns, she's been making some real strides on her mobility front. She's absolutely too fast and busy rolling and commando-crawling along to be left alone anymore. The TV room is pretty well baby-proofed, but while we're still in these early discovery days, we're not leaving much to chance.
These shots don't quite show it, but she's really working on sitting up, too. She leans over to her side and kicks out her legs while leaning on her elbow to prop herself up. She's just got to figure out how to get from her elbow to her hand and to bend her knees for leverage and I think she's got it. Very cool.
And, with a bit of staging assistance from mom or dad, she's able to pull herself to her feet from her knees to get to things on top of the ottoman (the couches are still a little tall for her). Awesome! She's pretty strong on her feet, although balance-wise, she's still got a ways to go. Check it out:
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