No, she didn't really go anywhere, but it certainly seemed like she had for a while there. What with all the waking up at 3am crying about being wet, poopy and/or HUNGRY. We had a good two week stretch where we thought we'd lost our little sleeper forever! Needless to say, we were in mourning. However! I'll run the risk of jinxing us here, it seems that Zoe has returned to her sleepy ways. Not only is she going down without a fight (ok, maybe with one chirp, two MAX), but she's feeding great at my bedtime feed (yeah, still doing those because they seem to work!) and now sleeping the whole night through. In fact, it's Wednesday, which means that I worked from home and that Zoe could catch up on her own sleep... she slept until 8:30, napped from 10:30-12:30 and then went back down 2:30-4pm!
All of this feels so sweetly reminiscent of Zo's early days, so life is good :)
And I guess all of that hopefully explains my latest drought in postings here....I know there are many a mom out there who would argue that even with the recent glut of sleeplessness, we've had and continue to have it pretty darned easy. We know. But man we've been tired. Fatigue can be relative, you know ;)
In other Zoe news...there's well, no real news. She's still growing like a weed (we weeded out a few more outfits this weekend), still eating fantastically (even inhaling the Brussels sprouts dad prepared for her, although she doesn't yet seem to love the tofu) and still teething, we think. The top set of her front teeth are taking their sweet time making an appearance, but seem imminent. She's certainly working on something there because she bit me three times this morning! OUCH. Maybe the third time was a charm, though - she finally didn't smile at my 'No!' (actually, she broke my heart with some serious tears, but you know, sharing a little bit of the pain seems fair to me!)
No news either on the crawling front, although she's certainly mobile with her rolling and scooting along on her back. And, she's happily at the stage where she's able to fend for herself in the sitting position well enough to hang out on the floor with the other kiddos at daycare. Which means that lots more development has to be right around the corner...
Oh! But I shouldn't fail to mention that she's now a pro at turning on and off the lights when we pause at a switch and let her - with one little finger no less. That, and she's started clapping (so cute!) and waving. Also, she's doing this funny little tongue clicking thing...sounds just like the clicking noises her daycare folks make when they coo at her. She loves them, Pete, especially, so I guess it was only a matter of time before she started absorbing that environment. Oh the big personality this little girl has!
This past weekend, Nana and Pepere graciously came up for a babysitting visit so that I could go get my haircut and so Dave and I could have a belated anniversary dinner out among grown-ups (at Ponti's - yum!). They stayed the night so that we could also bang out a bunch of house projects, too. Yahoo for that. So, the decking is done and we're nearly done with the painting (just the bathroom ceiling and minor trim touch-ups are left!). The rest of the to-dos can pretty much wait for when we're actually going on the market (curtains, windows, floors). Yes, that was me you heard letting out a giant sigh of relief :) I just can't sit on projects for long - they get at me!
Strangely enough, I don't have any pictures from Nana and Pepere's visit, nor many from the past few weeks (I might blame it on our missing battery charger, but that would be very lame). Don't know why really. The last few weeks are really a blur.
So, here are a few from last night and today. Hopefully with the return to sleep-filled nights, we'll get back behind the camera.
Note the venue/activity contradiction here - she loves to hang in the jumper and jump on the lap....whatever!
And our little crack-up:
1 comment:
That laughing pic at the bottom is tooo cute!! Glad to hear that Zo is back to her original sleeping glory again - sleep deprivation bites no matter how it goes...
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