Friday, December 16, 2011


So one thing I didn’t mention about our visit to Craven Farm was the petting farm…and the box of kitties therein.

That box of tiny, orange fur balls put back into motion the thinking that we could add another kitten to our crew…and this time, it didn’t stop.

(Back story: My first animal love is for dogs. I grew up with a pup and would *love* to have another. But I love dogs too much to not treat them right so before we add a pooch to the mix, a few things are going to change around here: 1) we’ll have a car big enough to transport two kids and a dog, 2) we’ll have a lifestyle that will *not* require the dog to spend 10+ hours alone in the house (or worse, outside) 3) our lifestyle will not require us to put the dog into “puppy daycare” to avoid #2) and 4) I’ll have a job where the role of an office dog is open to a St. Alonzo.)

So, the search began and we quickly (as in days) found Pumpkin. Previously known as “Pixel Pete”, this tiny guy (less than 2lbs!) was an easy add to the household. Lucy and Pumpkin were near instant pals and Oscar, well Oscar was none of the “grouch” he’d been when Lucy was introduced to the family.

After spending the first ~2 weeks with me at my office during the day (thanks to the boss’ paternity leave), he was ready to leave at home and at the mercy of Lucy and Oscar. They treated him pretty well, I think.

Pretty sweet, eh?


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