Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011–part one

As we do most every year, we gather first for dinner with my side of the family then head down to Vancouver to see Dave’s side of the family. It’s a great way to make the most of the long weekend and the lovely holiday and this year we weren’t disappointed.

First up: dinner at Nana and Pepere’s house on Thursday with Auntie Erin and Uncle Chris. As always, the girls had a great time with all of the one-on-one (and one and one and one…) attention. For Dave and I, it’s a bit of a chance to hang back and enjoy.



Somehow, the St. Pierre-side family hang time inevitably ends up in stories, snuggles and smothering Uncle Chris with blankets and kisses. Ah, family memories Winking smile

And of course we hit the swings before hitting the road.


Cummingbird! heeh.


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