To signal her desire to eat, she does this hilarious birdie mouth thing as if she's trying to show me her teeth (kind of like she's doing in this pic from her b-day bash) or rather trying to get me to show her my teeth.
Case in point: She couldn't get enough of the broccoli rabe from Sunday night's meal and was really pretty interested in the asparagus from Monday's meal. Tonight, she was all over the shrimp from my *spicy* gumbo! Whatever gets the good stuff in, kiddo! The salmon went over pretty well the other day, too and I know, just know, that she would have sunk her teeth into my tasty cheeseburger last night if I'd let her (but dad said it was too rare for her consumption).
So, the big lesson learned here is that WE'RE NOT KEEPING UP with Zoe's maturing palate!
Zoe wants new, gosh darnit, and readily forthcoming food. So, I call out to all you moms out there - send us your baby-friendly dinner recipes! (I promise to share what gets gathered, or you can just leave 'em as a comment on this here old blog for you to hunt and gather, yourselves.)
In exchange, here's a couple of Zoe's recently cast-aside baby menu items, a la Dave:
Home ground chicken sausage with spinach and onions
3/4 lb raw, skinned, boneless chicken breast, cubed
1 small onion, finely chopped
1/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 small apple, peeled and grated
2 tbsp fresh bread crumbs
salt & pepper, to taste
flour for coating
vegetable oil for frying
*sage and garlic to taste
*1/4-1/2 C chopped spinach
Put chicken in food processor w/onion, parsley, apple, and bread crumbs. Chop for a few seconds, then season the mixture lightly. Form mixture into 4 sausages, each about 5 inches long. Coat w/ flour. Saute sausage in oil for about 15 minutes, turning occasionally, or until browned on all sides and cooked through. Dave said he made a quadruple batch - seems more worth the work to do it that way
Zoe's friend, Lucy, apparently loves these!
Otherwise, and still, things are going great, chez St. Alonzo.
Zoe's uncle Chris and auntie Erin came for dinner and to hang with 'Miss Zoe' Friday night. Zoe got her shy on, but slowly warmed to chatting with Erin. To quote Chris, babies love Erin and I can agree it's true. Zoe reserved some REALLY cute side glances for Chris. No, no pix, but it was all a hoot with her Cupie Doll grin. Too funny.
Zoe had her first (and quite successful, so I hear) overnight (gulp, sob, weep!) with her Nana and Pepere this past weekend.
Girls doing lunch
*Thinking* about making that first step, but saving it for mom & dad ;)
Pretty girls
Keepin' 'em on their toes
Super sweetness
Dave and I had fun and sexy plans to do some work on our bathroom and utility room floors. Nothing says 'hey, the kid's away, let's play' like tearing the toilet out of it's socket, turning off the water and not washing your hands all day long! ;)
We got the bathroom 90% done (the project would be done if it hadn't culminated in a re-do on the bath faucet fixtures and a spackle-patch on the wall near the shower) and the utility room floor looks great. Kudos to Dave who did the majority of the hard work.
We're chiseling our way down the remaining house projects list in preps for us finding a house and needing to hop onto the market. There have been a couple of interesting finds, but nothing's stuck (either we opted to not take our chances and remove 14 trees or the sellers opted to not take our contingent offer - what can you do?) This, like parenthood and pregnancy before it, has been a supreme exercise of my patience skills. Dave still says he loves me before drifting off to sleep at night, so I guess that means I'm not failing miserably :S
Some more vid for the rabid fans: I finally got around to taping Dave and Zoe doing their bedtime routine at the changing table. Honestly, this is typical. Is this baby girl smitten with her Daddy, or what?
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