Bug has been much more snuggly in the weeks since her last (mystery!) illness. More snuggly in the sense that I used to have to steal hugs when I'd pick her up or when I was holding her on my lap and now she actually reaches out to me and pulls me in for a hug. OH MY GOSH THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you, baby!
And I'd just been saying how Zoe really isn't a snuggler. Not that she really is now, but the fact that she's looking for hugs is like night and day to me. I'm no longer jealous (in a nice way) of the friends who talk about their sweet, snuggly girls and look longingly at my busy, bustling one. Zoe's *always* been a sweetie. She has a fantastic sense of humor and a great disposition, but this mom has been starving for the little tiny baby who used to sit nestled in my arms for hours on end for like the past 8 months!
So it seems we've struck some balance. Yay for that!
Speaking of balance, Zoe struck her first pose on her own toes the other day (3/6) - in the middle of the room! It didn't last long and I haven't seen her do it since, but man, that was cool! She also maybe might have sort of almost perhaps taken her first (mom- and dad-witnessed) step! It was last Sunday, after she came home from her overnight with Nana and Pepere. So cool.
Now, we're not kidding ourselves that we'll be able to see all the important 'firsts' - especially since we're not with her every minute of every day. We're just going to concern ourselves with the firsts that we witness. In other words, we've told daycare (and anyone else out there who gets to spend quality time with the bug) that we DON'T WANT TO KNOW IF SHE'S DONE ANY NEW GREAT THINGS IN YOUR PRESENCE! We're prefer to be blissfully ignorant! ;)
Besides, it's less about measuring her stats on the important milestones than it is about the importance of recognizing her gains when we see them.
A few pix from the past week:
Yum! Spag & Meatball!
Striking a pose in her cute duds
Giggly girl
Party pants!
What's in the box??
Helping mom sort the junk mail
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