Zoe's Rosiola seems to have passed; the rash cleared out early Wednesday. Just to make way for...wait for it...a touch of croup. The seal-barking cough presented itself Wednesday morning and since then, her snottiness has crept up, along with another bit of fever. Her bugs have been so tough, mean and fast to come lately that they all seem to be running together.
I keep hearing about this mythical health she's supposed to achieve when she's oh, three years old. How getting sick real young isn't so bad because babies rebound so quickly and by the time they get into school they have immunities of steel.
But I want a healthy baby, and I want her now!
And technically, we're lucky. She's not *really* sick and Dave and I both have understanding and supportive employers. Thank goodness for that since we've both taken at least some time for what seems like all but 6 or 8 of the weeks since I've been back at work full time. But she's such a good baby. So sweet and generally really easy. I just feel it's owed to her somehow, some reliable stints of health.
Ok. Enough. On to happier topics.
Some updates, perhaps?
Z's been doing lots more pointed communication (well, pointing while communicating, but specific communication's what I'm talking about) when she wants or is interested in something. She's always shown interest, but now it seems like she's really asking and talking about or examining something when she points to it.
Speaking of pointing, for a good handful of weeks now, she's also been having fun pointing out body parts and is starting to recognize others' body parts. Watch out or you might find your nose picked!
She's also been very lovey. Out of the blue you'll hear the little lip-smacking noises of her air kisses. She loves it when you 'kiss' back. If you're lucky, you can catch a nice, big, wide-open kiss on the lips. Now, I've never been one for wet kisses, but these are yummy!
She's also quite affectionate with her kitties
and to her new baby doll from Nana and Pepere :)
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