Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We call her 'Bonky'?

Well, we don't, but we should :)

Reflecting upon the trials of tumbling

A couple of bonks on the head (one small bruise, a couple of small scrapes), a nick on the nose and a scratch under her eye (note to self: gotta get those nails...) and our girl, in her endless desire to explore, seems to have taken on a tom-boyish persona lately. Poor kid must be destined to take after her mom and her dad. Aside from wrapping her and the house and daycare in bubble wrap (yeah, like that wouldn't get us hauled in), what do you do? I guess it's all par for the course.

On the bright side, however, one could argue that all these war wounds are evidence of Zoe's working really hard to get grown up already. After all that wondering we did about when she'd finally get mobile, I'm now wondering how much longer we have until she's tearing around the house on her own two feet! The past week has seen lots of practicing of 'no hands' standing. Eek! And despite my previous comments, she's actually pretty good at it! The crouching and bending down to pick things up combined with reaching up to get at things are really quite routine. It's amazing to watch and realize that only a year ago she was this sweet and tiny lump in our arms nearly 24-7. I miss those days!!!! But these are fun, too ;)

Sporting some cute hand-me-down duds

Cornering poor Buddha

What? me? torturing Buddha? nah!

Goofy floor fun with mom

With a girl on the go, we get those snuggles when and where we can...

Making sure mom doesn't miss any spots

I can't recall if we mentioned this already, but she's sprouted both her left and right top front laterals...and nothing in between. Yet. I swear I can see the white shadow peaking through at least one of those two middle fronts, but I've been clamoring about teething for what, the past 6 months? so I know I have no credibility. Anyhoo, we're pining nonetheless since more teeth might encourage more eating that involves actual chewing. Our girl, like her mom, is apparently a texture freak. Aside from her Os (which she craves like crack) and her banana and cheese pieces (which she'll eat about 75% of the time), there's little we've introduced that she'll gum and swallow. And there are unnamed little cousins and play pals out there asking for full meals off their parents' plates so we know this is not an unreasonable idea! Oh well, I guess bug will be eating lots of yogurt and soup in college...

In other Zoe news, we had a great, long weekend. Zoe even took Friday off to hang with Nana and Pepere St. Pierre at home. She heard they were coming up and had to oblige ;) Sounds like they had a great time. Apparently Zoe played her socks off - so much so that she passed out in Nana's lap before even hitting the crib for her afternoon nap. Which leads me to ask: why do babies do these special things for people who AREN'T their parents? Hmm?

Saturday and Sunday were pretty mellow - so mellow I don't quite recall what we did! But Monday was lovely - bright and sunny - and COLD! and a great time to see the Alonzos 4 for a nice visit. Uncle Brian, Auntie Tammy, and cousins Hannah and Cameron stopped by on their way home from a trip to Bellingham to offer a happy belated b-day to bug.

Zoe had fun with her cousins - giving Cameron the ins and outs of her 'busy zoo' and hanging with Hannah in the big chair. I can't believe how much those kids have grown - it was only yesterday that we were visiting them at Zoe's age! Crazy. But I guess the sweet side of that bitter was recognizing Zoe's fascination with her older, neato cousins. I had some myself and can attest to the fact that eventually, you do catch up and get to join the big kids club.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zoe

The big 0-1. Wow. Seriously? Alrighty then!

With a bit of help from lots of family, Zoe rang in her big one on Saturday.

Nana and Pepere St. Pierre, Grandpa Gary and Kathy, Uncle Chris and Auntie Erin, Uncle Greg and cousin Keith all joined us for some nibbles, pizza and lady bug cupcakes:

Auntie Tammy and the rest of the Alonzos Four stayed home to nurse a flu bug - we missed 'em, but appreciated their keeping that gift to themselves ;)

Zoe, the ultra-sweet gal that she is, graciously took a huge nap right up to a minute before her guests all arrived. Good thing, because our girl knows how to work the party scene!

Schmoozing with Grandpa Gary

Showing Kathy the ropes

Hanging with Nana

Reveling in the glow of the paparazzi

And, she had most of her good lunch so that she could have her cake and eat it too. Yep, we gave in and gave her her first surge of sugar. She liked, didn't love it and was back to normal energy levels relatively soon, so we figure not too much damage was done It was well worth the fun.

Bring it on!

Making her wish

A bit of skepticism...

followed by an appreciation of the good stuff ;)

After a bunch of unwrapping, Zoe took the playtime by storm.

Honing carpentry skills with Dad

And, Cousin Keith's Johnny-Cash-singing-chicken-chef left a lasting impression.

A huge thanks to everyone who was able to attend and a heartfelt 'we missed you' for those who were kept away by illness or distance. All in all, Zoe had a fantastic day. She was a terrific hostess and great fun to be around. She seemed to know that it was her special day and made good of it.

Since her b-day, bug has enjoyed some fun milestones like turning the car seat around! Ok, she enjoys that, but maybe it's me who's more excited about that one. It's great to be able to look over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of her or make a funny face to make her squeal with laughter. Driving is now a bit more fun.

And today, Zoe had her one-year-old check-up. Aside from a bit of a thrush-related diaper rash (argh) and bit of tummy trouble, she's been doing and did do great. The doc confirmed that she is, in fact, tall. She's a full 30" (75%-ile) and certainly didn't get that from my side of the family! She is average in weight at just over 21 lbs (55%-ile) and big in the head (just like dad!) at 85%-ile there. And....drum roll please....we have tooth!!!! We saw some true emergence of a new tooth! (Top right lateral incisor) Yah freakin' hoo! Man! The other top three teases remain white shadows, but now that we've seen that one has broken through, hope is renewed that this bit of teething, too, shall pass.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thrush Crush

So I guess I owe bug an apology.

It wasn't her teething (nope, those still haven't appeared) that has been causing me so much would be the thrush that we contracted. Yep. Ouch. Culprit seems to be the mega antibiotics she was on over the holidays. That hideous diaper rash she had? Likely early signs of thrush, too.

Evil. Antibiotics are EVIL I tell you.

So, while I've been in tremendous pain (really, I liken feeding/pumping lately to what giving birth through your nipples must feel like, but as I went the pop-top route, I couldn't say for sure), Zoe's remained relatively unaffected since her rash cleared up. Zoe's pediatrician confirmed she has it too, but only in a couple of tiny spots on each corner of the inside of her lips. After a few days of topical meds, they seem to have cleared up for her already - simple as that.

Diagnosis for me wasn't quite so simple. I won't go blow-by-blow - I've gathered that some of my posts can be a little depressing ;) - but I will say that it took literally ALL day last Friday to 1) get it diagnosed and 2) to get my hands on the #$%& medicine to help me. Thanks to an apparently lactationally-clueless Nurse Practitioner in my Dr's office. Her helpful input, to quote: "well it's not mastitis"...which of course was no where near my mind because I was pretty certain it was THRUSH!!! Anyhoo. Despite supposedly being called in at 10am the Rx wasn't in the pharmacy's records at 7pm (my doc's office blames the pharmacy, but my verdict is still out on that). So. I kind of lost it. At that point, after a long day of very frustrating Dr.'s appointments, hour-long bus rides, presentations and an all-day staff retreat, I was exhausted and in a ton of pain. A million desperate calls to various after-hours services later, and I finally got in touch with some good karma. The relief was almost immediate, thankfully.

Unfortunately, I'll be taking my meds for three weeks, healing is slow-going, and this makes weaning both urgent and troublesome. Seems that flare-ups are more likely when you pump/nurse AND when you get engorged. Kind of like being in a rock (my boobs!) and a hard place...

Today was a turn in the right direction I think, though. I've stopped pumping all together (Say it with me: YAHOOOOOO!!!!) and Zoe took one great big feed first thing in the morning (OUCH!) and then her cup for the rest of the day up until bedtime when she took another pretty good feed. This bodes well for the 12 hour interval I was aiming for. Next phase will be getting it down to morning feedings only which should be fairly easy given that Zoe skips 9 out of 10 bedtime feeds lately. And the morning feeds can go on for however long Zoe and I feel the need.

I did end up putting a call in to the UW's lactation consultants line to get some advice about lingering thrush-related ailments vs. weaning. EXCELLENT service by the way, to any of you Seattle-area moms who might be reading this. Tip o' the day: cold, crushed green cabbage leaves in your bra help to slow down milk production AND act as a cold compress to thrush-aching boobs! Just so happens that we have green cabbage in the fridge so I've tried it out - so far, so good! And who says there's no dignity in motherhood?!?

Ok, enough about me and my boobs (again - but hey, when you're in pain, there's reason to get obsessive!). Zoe is doing great lately. I think she's getting smarter by the day. Today, I think she learned the sign for 'cheese'. She didn't exactly imitate it, but she certainly knew what it meant after I showed her the sign and a piece of cheese! I'm so glad! Actually communicating with Zoe is so much more fun than just guessing/fussing. I'd been feeling like we'd kind of dropped the ball on signing for a while - it's hard to remember to do it among all the other things you're busy doing with a baby let alone when you've got one or both hands full of baby or baby stuff! My latest tactic has been to introduce the words I find myself saying to her over and over. So far, pretty good.

She's also a busy busy little girl. Everything is worth investigation. And she really never misses a beat. Until she's tired. Case in point:

Too funny!! Dave and I were dying trying to keep our laughter quiet! These pix were from Monday morning (I hear you, bug, Monday's are tough!). She was so tired that Dave managed to undress, re-diaper and dress her while she snoozed. He tried to gently rouse her to no avail, so he finally laid her down on the floor. It wasn't until we turned on the light and took a bunch of pictures that she finally snapped to!

Zoe continues to play beautifully on her own, too. She loves interaction with us and with the other babies in daycare, for sure, but she does such a great job of entertaining herself for impressively long stints. Our girl knows how to play!

Ok, bad examples of playing alone because those are two activities in which she DOESN'T play alone. We promise :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We call her 'Chompy'

Who me?

That would pretty well cover life with bug in the last few days: chompy. And by 'chompy' we mean lots of eating, lots of movement - yet STILL no appearance - of her teeth, and lots of sore nipples. Ok, well just two of those, but you get the idea. Plus, she's been doing this really cute little chomping thing with her jaw, as though she's flexing her sore gums. All day long...chomp, chomp, chomp. Very cute.

Exhibit A: Meal time

Exhibit B: Toys

Exhibit C: She even chomps on balls!

Exhibit D: No, not even socks are exempt

Enough with the exhibits, mom - I'm hungry!

And back to those, er, nipples. It seems that Zoe's been eavesdropping on my inner monologue about how I'll be starting to wean her soon now that she's almost a year old. So, she's decided to help make the transition a little less hard and emotional. She's turned mean again! No, not really mean... but she's been working her burgeoning teeth out on me while she nurses with gusto. Add to that one biting and pulling incident and OUCH, this mom is getting ready to call it quits! I haven't stopped all together though, but rather have chosen to lighten up (way up) on the pumping I was doing to keep up my abundant supply and to up the sippy cup offering. That combination appears to be working - I'm still able to nurse her at least three times a day, offer her plenty of sippy cup milk (breast combined with a bit of cow's) and HEAL. As committed as I am and continue to be to making it to the one year mark, I'm really getting to be OK with this new phase out approach. I figure at this rate, with the frozen supply I've got stockpiled, that she'll still get breastmilk even after she turns the big 0-1.

I will miss the closeness, though, and her little face when she feeds, and holding her head in my hand, and her fingers. She's growing so fast and it's so exciting to all her new skills and bits of personality shining through, but there's this huge part of me that aches for the tiny baby she used to be. Fortunately, though, I've begun to be able to see glimpses of that tiny baby in her face and some of her current noises and expressions - which I'm so thankful for because for a long time there, I'd lost that ability. But perhaps it's not so much my seeing glimpses of the infant than it is my ability to see glimpses of Zoe and who she'll always be.

Zoe's been blossoming in new ways lately, with lots of chatter (she's got mom's gift for gab - watch out, dad!) and lots of mimicking. SO FUN! Her voice is maturing a bit, so the gab and mimicking have lots to do with expressing her new sounds. She's been talking a lot with her hands lately, too. She's learned a few new signs associated with eating - of course, my girl! 'Water' & 'yogurt' & 'banana' along with her good old 'more' and 'milk' are regular fare come meal time. She's also been waving hello and goodbye pretty much on cue and does a darling lip-smack wave (think 'The Dating Game') - even with a 'MMMmmmmoi' now and again. And, she's great at recognizing pix of herself and others on video and will fill your ear with her latest stories. All in all, with her health returned (at least for now since daycare's been closed for the past two weeks), she's a complete and utter joy to be around. She's busy and it's easy to tire keeping up with her, but it's all fun. Her huge spirit can't help but peak through and pull you in.

I'll close with some other recent cuteness:

Swinging in the new year with daddy, at the park

Cute from behind :)