Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dinner with (big) Tim & Becky (aka, Ducky)

A few weeks ago, we had in impromptu b-day and new job celebration for our great friend, Tim. We don’t have Tim and Beck over a lot but while Tim’s not entirely a stranger to the girls, the girls’ reception of his visits have been met with mixed reviews (“nooo Tim!”). This time, however, Tim was able to exercise his inner goofball and both girls were fairly smitten.


“Ducky” made a hit, too, but apparently didn’t make her way in front of the camera…Sarcastic smileWe’ll getcha next time, Beck!

Friday, April 22, 2011

good, cheap fun

There’s not much more sure for fun than a big empty box. I think this one was in the playroom for the better part of a week.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uncle Greg was here!

About every three months or so, we’re honored to host a leg of my brother’s Seattle-area tour: he lives in Maine, works at Adobe in Seattle and comes out quarterly to meet with his team; we get to offer some of the food and lodging in exchange for some exploitation of his assistance with the girls.

The girls LOVE to hear that he’s coming to town and without fail, turn giddy and all-girlie-giggly and googly-eyed when he appears. I am remiss, though, at the lack of photos to document these sweet reunions. I’ll do better next visit, when Greg and his gang are all here in May. Until then, here’s a quick couple of shots to say “Uncle Greg was here!”


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Looking up, keeping up

Maggie loves her big sister and anything Zoe does is subject to Maggie’s giving it a try. Nowhere is that more evident than on the playground.

I didn’t get shots of the truly precarious attempts she made at some of the playground apparatuses because, well, she’s got me on my toes. But this should give you a sense of what I’m talking about:







All that’s to say that this girl has an adventurous little spirit and doesn’t hesitate to try something ("all by myself!") if it looks like Zoe’s having fun doing it. Mostly, Zoe’s a fantastic big sister, happy to lead by example and only asks for her “space” now and again. We’ve heard ourselves tell Zoe from time to time that mimicry is a true form of flattery. Let’s hope that explanation sticks in the long run.