Tuesday, June 29, 2010

time out

She wasn’t in trouble – getting close – but Maggie decided she needed a time out and I didn't disagree.

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Too bad I don't think this self-discipline will last ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Official business

Maggie’s been up on her feet for weeks now, but it was Saturday, June 12th (her 16 month 'b-day') when she officially decided that walking is preferable to scooting. And now, she’s literally off and running (and crouching and bending and stooping and climbing…)

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You go, girl!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Maggie’s got lots of favorites I can totally understand: cheese, crackers, eggs, yogurt, pizza, applesauce to name a few.

But broccoli? seriously, kid? Yippee!!!

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I should say that Zoe’s not so bad at the broccoli, either; I don’t recall if this broccoli eating was because there was dessert on the line or she didn’t want to be shown up by her little sis ;)

I don’t care, either way!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the beat of her own drum

On the weekends, when we don’t set the alarm and wrest the girls from sweet slumber, we sleep in as last long as they let us. Sometimes, though rarely, Zoe will get up before us.

Here’s an example of her recent independent wardrobe choices.

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Good thing she’s cute ;)

Monday, June 21, 2010

down by crud

The St. Alonzo house was hit, and hit HARD, by a slow-moving and nasty bug this past week. It began with Zoe’s sore throat and runny nose a week ago Saturday. Followed by my stiff neck and sinus headache Sunday night. Followed by Maggie’s fussiness and fever on Monday, then Dave’s stuffiness and sore throat on Tuesday.

Finally, my voice is on the mend (lost for ~48 hrs), Dave’s ear pressure and sore throat seem to be waning, Maggie’s back to being a cool cuccumber and Zoe’s Hitler stache is but a mere bit of pink below her sweet little nose.

By now, we’ve all been had by this thing and I’ve had it with being sick. So, I’ll get caught up with the past few weeks of pictures. Just bear with me.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sometimes, getting pushed around by your big sister isn’t such a bad thing. :)

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Big girl things

A few minor, but coincidental milestones reached last weekend:

Maggie’s now got a spot at the dinner table:

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And Zoe got up from bed, out of her pjs and night dipe, and dressed then came out to see us, all by herself!



Oh, and she’s enjoying the new big girl drinking glasses we got for her (mini versions of “mommy’s glasses”). Call it a big girl anything and you’re almost guaranteed a taker!