Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So while Dave and I are constantly marveling at how brilliant and mature our baby girl is, sometimes there can be a bit of a downside to it.


Alongside Z's development of skills she's developed quite the little personality that likes to show itself a few times a day.

Our 18 month old is two, I swear!

Cases in point:

For weeks now, she's been naming and putting shapes into her shape ball toy (something along these lines, but ball-shaped with more shapes - the blue and red one we had as kids).

But in the same time frame, she's also mastered the ability to throw up her arms in a fit, making her body as slick and stiff and impossible to lift or hold as can be.

She's a wonder at identifying items as we name them - even newly introduced ones (today's was 'sandwich' as in a toy food sandwich we made together).

And she's a whiz at the whine. If she knows we're in earshot, we'll get to hear a whine as her plea for help with something that's frustrating her. If she doesn't know we're there, it's amazing what she can pull off on her own! ;)

She's fast to say thank you and she's great about following most directions, like putting things back in their place.

But she's also been having a great time at testing the limits. I'll catch her watching me as she's reaching a little hand out for the recycling bin or for the buttons on the dishwasher.

This girl knows where the game is at!

All in all, she's terrific. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, funnier, little girl. So the fact that intelligence is at the bottom of the less-than-desirable behavior is tolerable and even amusing. I really never thought I'd ever laugh at a toddler throwing a fit, but I do!

But OK, I could do with a little less whine... :)

Who me?

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