Sunday, May 30, 2010

15 month Maggie

The moo is getting on in age – 15 months, already! Can’t believe it.

And, here are the stats from Friday’s ped’s appointment that I can’t quite believe, either:

Height: 33 3/4” (off the chart)

Weight: 23# 13oz (60%)

Head: 48.3cm (off the chart)

Just like her sister: big noggin and long, slim, body. Apparently most of the genes I have to contribute are recessive!

She sure makes a cute little lollipop though, huh?


Oh, and after taking a 15 foot stroll through the playroom on Thursday night, we’ve decided to call her an official walker! She’s still crawling and scooting lots (since those modes deliver her a bit more reliably and quite a bit faster) but her favorite thing now is to walk around and around the room holding on to your finger (though she doesn't need it). And after all the holding we did on our trip to Mexico, I am much relieved with this new development: we can now put her down on her feet in public spaces! yahoo!

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