Wednesday, February 16, 2011

These days

These days, with the holidays past us and as we’re rolling into the new year, aside from an occasional birthday or two (or three), the days are unfolding fast and furiously. And I am, like never before, amazed at what it takes to keep up.

So obviously, I’m not really keeping up.

Which leaves me to mull over what matters, what matters most and what doesn’t matter at all.

And you, faithful followers, will be pleased (I assume, hope) to hear, that my blog survived the chop. I am still committed to documenting, as regularly as I can, the chronicles of our lives as a family.

So, with no further ado, I’m saying adieu to the backlog of photos and am releasing them into the ethernet, into perpetuity (ok, ok, on with it). They are now off of my to-do list and man, that feels so good.


More of your favorite sweet, silly faces to come…

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