Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our little fishy

I am thrilled to report that we *finally* managed to get Zoe and Maggie more or less* signed up for simultaneous swim classes! Unfortunately, Maggie had a fever that kept her out of the pool one weekend, but I took the opportunity to come solo and armed with the camera to grab a few shots of the burgeoning greatness.


Killing time – ALONE in the pool – before class


Making sure the peanut gallery is paying attention?


Getting her water happy on


Rocket ship arms and bubble blowing…this girl will be doing laps around that pool, soon!

I took a bunch of video with my phone… will try to get that posted soon(er or later).

* Z is registered for an actual class while M has a mommy/daddy-and-me Tots drop-in class she can attend AT THE SAME TIME! amazing that. there were waitlists for everything else!

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