Monday, May 5, 2014

Milestones–October 2013

The girls’ getting older means many of the obvious things – having to let Maggie practice brushing her teeth, Zoe tying her shoes – but there are a few things that came along this year that I didn’t really see coming.
October was pretty stellar, weather-wise, and Sundays are a great time for girl time, so when the two converged (good weather + girl time), I decided we should try something new: a bike ride outside of the ‘hood.
We drove over to the Interurban Trail (drove, yes…because the girls aren’t SO big that I want them crossing Aurora yet!) and parked in the middle of my intended track at the Bartells on 185th. The girls huffed it with me up one mile to Costco, back down again to Bartells. We stopped and hydrated and then headed south towards the bridge at Central Market, then back to Bartells. That’s four miles!
Not bad for our first real outing.
Can’t wait to take it up again next spring!

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