Monday, June 9, 2008

"Mama" and "Daddy No!"

I think Zoe's in a bit of a language explosion currently. She's doing lots and lots more mimicking of various words and then actually re-using them in context. The latest, cutest, addition to her lexicon is "Papple", with the requisite sign, for apple. I just love the sound of Ps from her little mouth.

And I *love* the sound of "Mama". It seems that after months of 'Dada' being the parental word of choice Zoe has a revived love of 'Mama'. Heart-melting sweetness.

And finally, I'm pretty positive that she demonstrated her first strung-together words on Saturday: "Daddy, no!"

Unfortunately, the word choice could be better, but alas, I'm thrilled that our girl is making language strides. Maybe some day soon we'll get a better idea of what's going on inside her head ;)

Random Daddy pix picks:

Helping with the laundry.

Shaking out the pants

Morning banana time with Daddy

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