Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dinner with friends - now with gourd pix!

Zoe's had a great run of company in the past few days.

First, on Friday, Nana and Pepere came up to spend the day. Zoe and Nana took a break for the rain by making a trip to the Shoreline Children's Indoor Playground. Seems that Zoe knows how to have a good time on fun turf.

Later, Nana and Pepere joined us for dinner, but not before Zoe had everyone join her on her 'matt' (mattress).

Saturday night, we were joined by pals, Gordon, Danika and Zoe for a yummy feast of egg parm, fall veggies and Danika's scrumptious pear tart w/ homemade ginger ice cream. The girls, having not seen each other in about 4 months, had a great time tearing it up during the great gourd relay of 2008. Kudos to Dave and Gordon for playing ground receivers ;) (explanatory pix, now available here. Thanks Gordon and Danika!)

Lucy's quite the little girl, so it's nice that she and Zoe connected so well. I guess meeting in utero and meeting up regularly for (sleep) walking at Green Lake makes for strong bonds :)


let me find it - my favorite passage is somewhere on the next page

kitty confidential

Nuh-night dahling, it was wonderful

1 comment:

danikaw said...

Aw. How sweet. I love the kissing shot! We haven't got ours up yet...still working on all the photos from October. We'll have to get the kiddos together again soon.