Friday, January 16, 2009

Two year old stats

Zoe had her 2 year old visit with the pediatrician yesterday and given that it's been a while since I've posted her stats, I figured I'd do an update with the latest.

  • Height: 35.5" (90% - right where she's been hovering for the past year or so)
  • Weight: 28# 7 oz (74% -making a healthier height-weight ratio than her last weigh in which was somewhere around 40%)
  • Noggin: 50.3 cm (95% - all her daddy's genetics at play, there!)

She did, well, let's say well enough at her appointment. She wasn't much up for the measurements and gave a serious scream when we set her on the scale (me too, sometimes, kiddo, me too...) and she really didn't like all the poking and prodding the doctor did with his various instruments... let alone the nurse with the hypodermic needle. But, she always hit the rebound and even waved bye-bye to the doc as he exited.

All that seems about par if you ask me. Zoe's emotions have been on HIGH lately (me too, lately kiddo, me too...) and just about anything can set her off. She's still a really sweet and easy-going little girl, but she's been taking the need to express herself more, head on.

Good thing those expressions include some fun new developments. Over the past couple of months, Zoe's sentence structure has gotten much more sophisticated (2-3 word sentences are run of the mill now) and she's been collecting lots of new understandings about the world around her (Green! Go! Red! Stop!). She can pretty well count to ten on her own if she's feeling up for it (if she's not, it's "1, 2, 3, 2, 3" :)) and can chime in on bits of the alphabet song ("now I know I know my!") if she's paying attention. Note that she's not always in recital mode, but when she is, her recall and vocab are pretty impressive.

Dexterity wise, she's mostly got her new trike figured out, rolls a mean tumble, dances a darling jig and can run like the wind! Ok, she can run like her mom - slow but sure ;)

There's tons I know I'm forgetting to log here, but I think that has lots to do with the fact that she's changed SO much in the past 6-7 months. She is an entirely different baby (er, kidlet) than she was when we moved into this house...and that was just yesterday, I swear.

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